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MIA, MIM, MIJ, MIC, MIK, etc. ?

Fred Fartboski

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Why is it that that the major music supply catalogs and websites won't name the country of manufacture for the guitar models they're selling? That is unless it's MIA. They don't seem to mind telling you that.


I already know the answer to the question and I guess it's sort of rhetorical but I'm curious to see how others respond.





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Yeah I agree with ya, personally I would like to know when they are MIJ - that means something to me, love those dudes. MIK is not bad these days either. Another thing that pee's me off is they list everything about the guitar besides the scale length!

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It's stigmata. Not everyone is enlightened enough to realize that just because something's made in China doesn't mean it's crap. I love my Chinese Epi. Other than the pickups, electronics, and MAYBE the bridge, I don't have any beef with it. I think it's a great value and a solid guitar. Very solid. I played it the other day in amongst my custom strats and teles, and it plays just as solid as any of them.

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When guitars were hand made, it meant a world of difference. Now guitars are CNCed for the most part, and each one being nearly identical to the next. The CNC mills are largely made in Japan, and the end product will almost always be identical regardless of where it's being operated.

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Plural of stigma? Yes, I'm quite sure.


A mark or token of infamy, disgrace, or reproach:


The reason manufacturers/retailers do their best to hide the country of manufacturer is because of the stigmata against something being made in China, Korea, Taiwan, etc, respectively. I guess it could be characterized as one stigma against non-us made guitars and gear, but there seem to be different prejudices against Korea vs China, Japan vs Korea, etc.

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Originally posted by Ryan Trevisol

Plural of stigma? Yes, I'm quite sure.

The reason manufacturers/retailers do their best to hide the country of manufacturer is because of the stigmata against something being made in China, Korea, Taiwan, etc, respectively. I guess it could be characterized as one stigma against non-us made guitars and gear, but there seem to be different prejudices against Korea vs China, Japan vs Korea, etc.



Interesting. You are correct. The only definition of the word I was familiar with was "n : marks resembling the wounds on the crucified body of Christ"

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The cataolgs figure its MIA vs the rest. They don't know that we're smart enough to use them as a ranking system. (since most can't afford MIA anymore) MIA is better than MIJ is better than MIK etc. When they catch on, maybe they'll start telling us.

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Originally posted by Ryan Trevisol

Plural of stigma? Yes, I'm quite sure.

I'm not one of these grammar/word use insane people.


I am posting in a friendly way, just because it's interesting. "stigmata" may be the literal plural of "stigma," but it is not the functional real-language plural.


This is because the word "stigma" has a literal meaning, and the meaning is, simply, "mark" or sign.


"Stigma" is used figuratively and evocatively (perhaps from the "mark of Cain" mentioned in the bible, perhaps not) to refer to a negative connotation or resonance associated with persons or practices, areas or objects, and so forth. We might speak of the stigma of a criminal conviction, for example. The plural of "Stigma" is "stigmas."


"Stigmata" does not necessarily refer to marks that signify infamy, reproach or disgrace. "Stigmata" are simply marks.


Traditionally, (and most commonly) the word refers to the marks on Christ's body from the crucifixion -- nail holes on hands and feet and the spear wound in the side.


By extension, "stigmata" can refer to any visible marking that signifies participation in some activity, act, pursuit and so forth. It is sometimes used ironically. For example, the stigmata of the rock star might be said to include tattoos and chronic venereal disease. Hah.


I hope my post does not offend or disturb anyone!

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Originally posted by Ryan Trevisol

...I love my Chinese Epi. Other than the pickups, electronics, and MAYBE the bridge, I don't have any beef with it...


I love this kind of quote -- throw the tuners in there and the only thing you like is the wood! (sincerely, not trying to get in your craw)


I thought it was well known that for most manufacturers the wood is fairly similar, the way they cheapen it is with the hardware and electronics.

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ehh - I just got a chuckle out of the quote...


I asked a similar question with regards to MIC Gretsch, and was really just looking for details like you have provided here (very nice, btw):


Originally posted by Ryan Trevisol

...I got the guitar for $399 with a very nice, well-bookmatched flame maple top, a 3/4 maple cap on a mahogany body, a straight neck with excellent fretwork, 7/10 inlay work, perfect finish, perfectly set up and with tuners that are smooth and pull the strings through a properly cut nut, and a solid feeling stop piece and strap buttons. On those fronts I felt I got about 90% the quality I could expect from Gibson.

But the neck tone and volume pots measured 11k, and didn't affect the volume or tone of the neck at all. The switch was broken, and the front pickup sounds like mud. Now that I rewired it and once I've put GFS pickups in, I'll have spent another hundred bucks, on the guitar, but for $499 I feel I got an EXCELLENT DEAL, hands down.



And mostly what I got instead was dissertation on how overseas quality control works, and how if I buy a MIC I am supporting human rights violations, and why am I prejudiced against asians, and one "who gives a {censored}".

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funny its totally backwards with deans. the best imports they make are all MIC and amazing quality (like my metallic silver hardtail limited)


the mik stuff is decent (the dimebag far beyond driven is MIK) but just not as good as the MIC stuff. Im not sure of the chnieese factory they build out of in china but i know the factory they use for the MIK stuff is the same place grovers tuners are built.


love my hardtail tho, i picked it over mim and mij stuff that i had already thought about buying.



It seems to me you cant just pick guitars by country anymore. Really, it's axe by axe. Some come out good some come out bad. Need I remind people of the usa gibson horror stories on this board.....

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