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Epiphone SG Fret Problem


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I have a vintage g400 and i find that anything more than the slightest pressure on the strings puts my guitar noticeably out of tune even if it is tuned perfectly open. Is there a way that this can be fixed? I am using fairly heavy strings (12-52 i think) and this is really annoying me. Any solutions?

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Originally posted by ert

I have a vintage g400 and i find that anything more than the slightest pressure on the strings puts my guitar noticeably out of tune even if it is tuned perfectly open. Is there a way that this can be fixed? I am using fairly heavy strings (12-52 i think) and this is really annoying me. Any solutions?





Is the nut cut to high? I used to have a guitar with a high nut. Would always throw it out of tune on the lower frets.

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To be honest, it feels like the frets are really high because it seems like the notes are sharper than they should be. I can make an a on second fret g string so sharp it hurts, but the string is in tune.

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i realize that but i am wondering if this problem is more pronounced on my guitar than others. light pressure buzzes too much and i dont think it is because i havent played for long... it doesnt do it for me on other guitars.

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