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Cort Model help?


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Originally posted by Big_Mac_AUS

Doesn't look even close to my G210, it even has a 3 a side headstock


Yeah, it has to be an older model and I can't find any pages with Cort history. I don't want to buy it blindly even though I know that they make decent quality guitars. It's weird that one of the biggest manufacturers of guitars doesn't seem to be popular at all. :(

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The closest I could find in my (5 minutes of) research was the Cort model S400, circa 1998.


I found that by going the the "Internet Archive", here:




and typing "cort.com" in the "Wayback Machine" search-field. Then I clicked on various dates of archivial, until I found the S400 in the May, 22,1998 link.


Let me know if this matches, or if you find a better source of info.

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Originally posted by headless

The closest I could find in my (5 minutes of) research was the Cort model S400, circa 1998.

I found that by going the the "Internet Archive", here:


and typing "cort.com" in the "Wayback Machine" search-field. Then I clicked on various dates of archivial, until I found the S400 in the May, 22,1998 link.

Let me know if this matches, or if you find a better source of info.


Cool page, didn't know it. Very helpful resource! Looks pretty much like that S400, yeah. Thanks for the help! :thu:

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that looks nice arkay, but don't try to get any help from cort or thier forum, they never even gave me the time of day when i needed info:( how much did they want for that guitar?

btw i'm guessing the body is made of basswood, or at best alder.

the one i have is basswood and it sounds pretty damm good with the mean 90's i put in her


and here i thought basswood was crapola:rolleyes:

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It's on eBay Germany... According to the specs of the S400 it's agathis :) Oh well, I don't need another strat type guitar otherwise I might bite since Corts usually don't go for much and are pretty good guitars.




Frets99 also asked them for a model number once and didn't get an answer either AFAIK :(


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Originally posted by ArKay

It's on eBay Germany... According to the specs of the S400 it's agathis
Oh well, I don't need another strat type guitar otherwise I might bite since Corts usually don't go for much and are pretty good guitars.


Frets99 also asked them for a model number once and didn't get an answer either AFAIK


damm $67 us how could you go wrong? my sqier is agathis, and sounds damm nice:idea:

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Originally posted by leopardstar

damm $67 us how could you go wrong? my sqier is agathis, and sounds damm nice:idea:


I think I have too many guitars already :( The last 2 ones I sent back. The first tele I would have kept if it hadn't had the worst bookmatching I've ever seen and the other was a Squier Custom Tele II which costs $250 here. Bought it because I wanted a guitar for the Revtron pickups I got. It was not a bad guitar, but I figured that I didn't _need_ it that bad and wasn't too fond of the neck. I should mod the ones I have. :)


Well, it went for ~$100 and if I didn't have a strat clone and that Ibanez Blazer I would have hit it. It's difficult to find something I don't already have these days :D

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Originally posted by headless

I am weeping for your struggle.

(too bad no pic of the Blazer in your sig)


I know I have to take pics of the latest :( My Blazer looks like this (not my pics):




It was made in Japan in the early or mid 90s, that's all I could find out. There isn't much info on it out there either.

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