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What a country i live in.


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Originally posted by Virgman


Congrats on your opportunity.

There are similar programs available in the USA for qualified students, based either on financial need or merit.

Basically what you have is a loan. Many students in the US have education loans up their wazoo. Some in multiple hundreds of thousands.

Hopefully you will earn more than $38,000 a year which is basically poverty level. For example a starting teacher, fresh out of school where I live (NJ) earns a starting salary of $42K plus excellent benefits for total compensation package of approx. $55K. However a 3 bedroom bungalow here costs $350K so that is not too great. Forget about owning a home unless your spouse makes a good buck too.

Ouch, I didn't realize Australia has such an oppressive tax system.

Tax systems like that tend to foster a lack of incentive in citizens.

This may be indicative of your phrase "I never want to earn more than $38,000".

Well, get the degree, then move to the USA (or Hong Kong) where you can make money and keep more of it.

The reason we are in Iraq is to protect our oil interests. Iraq has huge oil reserves. The USA as a country must have access to that oil. There is no way that access can be threatened. Saddam Hussein was a threat to that access. Goodbye Saddam. The war is not about morality or ethics.

Democrats and Republican leaders, if they understand the security interests of the US, realize this.



i just wanna play guitar...i dont really care about lots of money...as long as i can pay my rent...eat food...drink a few beers and save a little bit for new gear...and if that means i have to live in a {censored} hole, live on baked beans and 2 min noodles...then rock on

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Originally posted by Kingsnake

Sure pal - first thing your "government" does is take your guns away - "only the police & military needs guns". I notice Canada doesn't allow citizens to own handguns.

That's what Hitler did before he invaded Austria.

I guess you guys don't have lot of crime up there - but then your entire country could fill NYC with space left over.

Hitler = Takes away guns

Canada = Takes away guns

Canada = Hitler

Lions, and tigers, and bears, OH MY!

I like it when people with 8th grade educations try to make logical statements. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Virgman


Congrats on your opportunity.

There are similar programs available in the USA for qualified students, based either on financial need or merit.

Basically what you have is a loan. Many students in the US have education loans up their wazoo. Some in multiple hundreds of thousands.

Hopefully you will earn more than $38,000 a year which is basically poverty level. For example a starting teacher, fresh out of school where I live (NJ) earns a starting salary of $42K plus excellent benefits for total compensation package of approx. $55K. However a 3 bedroom bungalow here costs $350K so that is not too great. Forget about owning a home unless your spouse makes a good buck too.

Ouch, I didn't realize Australia has such an oppressive tax system.

Tax systems like that tend to foster a lack of incentive in citizens.

This may be indicative of your phrase "I never want to earn more than $38,000".

Well, get the degree, then move to the USA (or Hong Kong) where you can make money and keep more of it.

The reason we are in Iraq is to protect our oil interests. Iraq has huge oil reserves. The USA as a country must have access to that oil. There is no way that access can be threatened. Saddam Hussein was a threat to that access. Goodbye Saddam. The war is not about morality or ethics.

Democrats and Republican leaders, if they understand the security interests of the US, realize this.




Dude, if you think $38,000 USD is the poverty line (especially for one person), you've got a grand misunderstanding of reality. Half of American families (if not more) have a combined yearly income of less than that.

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Originally posted by racerxwannabe

I recently had an audition at the Australian Institute of Music. I don't know how i did it, but i fooled them and they let me in, i'll be majoring in contemporary guitar performance. And in this wonderful country in which i live, Australia, the government will give me an interest free loan of up to 80,000 dollars that i never have to pay back untill im earning more than $38,000 a year. And when i do earn that much i only have to hand over 4% of my income. great cause i never plan to earn that much anyway....{censored}in sweet cause it costs 15,000 a year to attend the institute. Not only that!...i get a student allowance of $210 a week! with a partime job one or two days a week that'll be more than i need.

i can't believe i'll be able to play guitar all day and study music get paid for it!...what a {censored}in country!

do you have these kind of opportunities in the states or where ever you guys live?


congrates im 15 and want to do something of the sort in the states when i graduate

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Originally posted by Kingsnake

Enough of this crap.

Take your stinkin' political, bash the USA conversations to OPEN JAM.

I'm an American - born in the USA, and I don't care for your worthless drivel.

You don't like my country - or our politics? Good, I'll remember that when YOUR country wants some help.

Who cares? Read a {censored}in book before you open your mouth, monkey brain.:wave:

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So much socialist propoganda on the internet these days. Anyone here remeber when working for a living, earning a paycheck and paying for things out-of-pocket was the ideal? Now it's "bang on the government unless they can give me something 'free', or if they do something I can't understand (being generous)" Honestly, where do you think the government gets its money?

No, Kingsnake started no such fire. Some socialist forumite thought it'd be a good idea to take a political dump on the thread and hoped no one would notice.

It is the height of ignorance to call someone a name for disagreeing with you. Lord knows I've been tempted.

I do realize the world hates the U.S. That's to be expected when one lives in the only remaining superpower. I am curious what another's country or people think about the United States has to do with anything. I, for one, could care less what anyone else thinks of us if we are doing, or attempting, what we feel is right for our country. Period.

Anywho, I weary of the random communist garbage. I think I shall be on reporting patrol from this point forward.

Grace and Peace,

P.S. CrakerD- you earn the award for least intelligent post I've seen in a long, long time. Congratulations.

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