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Almost a new guitar for xmas


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Well, my wife told me she was saving $800 to give me for xmas to pick up a new (or used) guitar of my choice for xmas. The reason she said "was" is because we bought a new LCD for xmas for us. Our old 48" was too big for the room it was in. Putting a TV up on the wall give us more space.


So, now I am just thinking of what could have been. Don't get me wrong, I love the TV. Well, I may be getting some cash in January for work, I am in sales and I am on my way to being the top rep. Big payout and expensive watch. Whish I coud get a guitar and not a watch. Oh well. SOON!

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I did the HDTV thing this year as well, and frankly, I'm happier with it than I woulda been a new guitar. Like you, I needed a smaller TV for the room because while my den is very long (20+ feet with a 6' fireplace in the middle), it's also narrow (12') and the larger screen just wouldn't have worked for me. I opted for a 37" and it fits perfectly. Plus, what I found, the image quality is better on the slightly smaller screens. Not as much stretching of pixels.


I don't know how educated on HDTVs you are, but make sure you use the right connections for your devices. Image quality is very different when you go with lesser inputs. I initially hooked my cable box up with the composite inputs, but then I learned how much better component and HDMI were and tried it... WOW! Major difference. Don't buy into the expensive HDMI cable crap though. It's a digital signal. It's either perfect or it doesn't work at all. A $15 cable is every bit as good as a $150 Monster when it comes to HDMI. www.monoprice.com for your cable needs.

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I did purchase a couple of cheap cables. The image looked worse than my old, inexpensive S-Video cable. So, I went with a Monster Cable for $100. We have a DVI out in our cable box. The cheap cable just didn't cut it. When I returned the second cheap cable at Best Buy, the guy said everyone returns those and gets the more expensive options.



As for the 48", it is old, the is a crack in the outer screen, and a scratch on the inner screen. In scratch is very noticable, but if you play anything in Widescreen mode, it is in the black area. The crack (from my wife swatting flies, while bored, when I was out of town) is only noticeable from the right. It is about 15 years old. It is great for DVD and Xbox. I may or may not keep it. If decide to get rid of it, I will PM you (Stacerdaman). I wouldn't charge much if anything. Probably nothing. (you could donate a pedal).

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