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Taos New Mexico

Tim Mayock

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The drive from Albuquerque through Santa Fe, then on to Taos is beautiful.


The Taos pueblo is well worth checking out, if you're into cultural stuff. There are lots of art galleries in the town square you can enjoy.


If you're looking for good, simple, not-expensive food, try out Michaels. They have a bakery at Michaels, and they make the worlds-best cream puffs and cake doughnuts. ;)

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Wow...the Taos Hum...hmmm?


Like a diesel idling...that's interesting. Last year, when we first moved out to the farm (this is in Missouri), I remember I woke up to what sounded like a diesel idling outside. Not unusual, a familiar sound due to our former proximity to a restaurant which took deliveries at odd hours...and, even though we'd moved, the next door neighbor had connections with people who'd be likely to drive a diesel out and leave it running. So...to the window. Was the UPS truck here, perhaps? A locomotive idling on the tracks across the field?


Nope. Nothing. Just the hum.


What's weirder...when I went outside...nothing...yet, when I went back inside...hummmmmmmmmmmmm....


Never did find out what it was...and haven't heard it since.

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Bandelier National Monument is not far from Taos, and definately worth the trip.


Take a day trip down to the super-pretentious artsy-fartsiness of Santa Fe.


Rio Grande bridge is cool. There's also some natural hot springs in the river not far from Taos. Ask around, I'm sure someone will tell you where they are at.


Check out the Earthship community right outside of Taos. They have a house that is available to tour. Very interesting.


And eat as much freakin awesome New Mexican food that you can get your hands on!!!!!!!!

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