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college and guitars


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ive just started college recently ( this week actually) im doin a-levels. im just wondering how often u guys played guitar durin college. in the last three days, ive only played guitar once. (tonight) before college i played every day for a few hours. how about u guys

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College is about growth, development, and maturity. It can be a wonderful and challenging experience. However, as in other aspects of life, there are growing pains. One of the discomforting things is that, in order to meet the new challenges, one often must change his habits to accomodate his new obligations.

One of the most important things you learn in college is "time-management." You also learn how to prioritize. I tell my sons that college is a "job" and that they, as working stiffs, should expect to work 8 hours a day on their job. Sleeping requires another 8 hours. The good news is that leaves 8 hours of personal time (grooming and hygiene, eating, recreation, and etc). I am sure that you can find time to play the guitar in that 8 hours of personal time, but you probably can't do that and watch TV, screw around on the internet, party, play basketball, shoot the {censored} with you friends, hustle chicks, and all of the other nincompoopery that is associated with "college life."

Make your choices, do you want to play the guitar or dou you wnat to waste time on HC. IM, and all of that other BS?

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I usually get about 20-30 mins of fun free play per day, even during the busiest times. I use it as a study break when it gets really bad.

I also take jazz lessons for course credit so I make sure to get some firm practice in every week. But practicing for lessons and just playing for fun are different for me. It's a good way to pick up easy credits though.

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