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New Guitar?


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Hey guys, I just sold my World of Warcraft account and got 250$! That got my gas flowing but now I have a problem...what to buy!? I have no idea what good deals are out there and figured yall could help me out a bit. I usually play a fair amount of medium to heavily distorted music, ranging from As I lay Dying to Killswitch Engage to Underoath to all that hardcore/emocore kind of stuff as well as some blues and cleaner stuff like The Strokes. Now the tricky thing is I need a semi versatile guitar, one with decent cleans but can still handle a bit of the music I play that uses a fair amount of distortion. Do any guitars come to mind? If it helps I have a Mesa Boogie .50 Calibur head running into a marshall cab. My main guitar is my ESP LTD H-1000, so I want the guitar to be different than that. I was thinking about maybe a tele style guitar, perhaps the one guitarfetish has? Anyways hope yall can help me out. Price range is 250$. Thanks!



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First off - my hats off to you if you can cop some Killswitch - they're great!!
Of course the Coparison he plays is about $1500.00.

They're are a lot of good guitars out there for your buying pleasure.

Check out:

Agile (rondomusic.net)
Michael Kelly

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Yeah, Killswitch is awesome = P. I played a Caparison at Guitar Asylum near me and it was a pretty nasty guitar. But back to the case at hand. I already have an Epiphone LP jr with a p90 in it, as well as an Agile Valkyrie with 2 P90s in it so I'm looking to stray away from the guitars I have now and find something different. I'm thinking maybe a good Strat or Tele copy, I really like the cleans they have and a nice punchy bridge pickup would be cool. I've been looking at the guitarfetish site and it seems like they have some nice guitars up there. Although I might need to replace the bridge pickup for the heavier style of music I play, but some EQ tweaking might fix that. So I guess I'm looking for a good Strat/Tele copy! Ah yes SX, forgot about them. I've heard some good things about them, but I've also heard they sometimes need a bit of work to get them playable and I dont really want to mess around with that. Plus If I have enough money to get a better guitar might as well = P. Anyone have any opinions on the Xavier guitars or any other brands? Thanks for the help so far btw.

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Well I have my H-1000 for most downtuned/heavily distorted. I just want this next guitar to be able to pick up where the H-1000 leads off. I see plently of bands I like to play use telecasters and the like live so why cant I? = P. This next guitar just needs to be versatile enough to be able to cover some Underoath and Thursday and then be able to switch over to The Strokes or Interpol.

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