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Can't put it down!


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I don't get it...


I own a bunch of guitars, some great, some not-so-great, and some in between.



I bought that black Epi LP Standard a week ago now and I can't stop playing it!!!!


Seriously, I pick up other guitars now and after about 1 or 2 minutes they feel lame. So, back to the Epi LP I go.


My fingers hurt from playing it so much. I don't think I have ever owned a guitar that in turn... Owned me so much in the first week I've had it.


Is this silly to anybody else?




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I don't get it...

I own a bunch of guitars, some great, some not-so-great, and some in between.

I bought that black Epi LP Standard a week ago now and I can't stop playing it!!!!

Seriously, I pick up other guitars now and after about 1 or 2 minutes they feel lame. So, back to the Epi LP I go.

My fingers hurt from playing it so much. I don't think I have ever owned a guitar that in turn...
Owned me
so much in the first week I've had it.

Is this silly to anybody else?




Not an "I" serial number is it?

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thats strange that it would be an epi considering you have a gibson les paul custom too. how is it different, tonewise and feel-wise, if thats a word. I would guess that the gibson would sound better cuz of better pups and be much easier to play?

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thats strange that it would be an epi considering you have a gibson les paul custom too. how is it different, tonewise and feel-wise, if thats a word. I would guess that the gibson would sound better cuz of better pups and be much easier to play?



not necessarily. every piece of wood is different so the tone actually varies wildly. ive played quite a few Epi LPs that sound and play great, some stock, some modded. i had (sold to my brother) a 2003 Epi that was made in china, and other than a few frets that needed working (still do, bothered me but my brother is fine with it...) it played and sounded just as good as any Gibson...actually, i played a Gibby standard with a band and the Epi played better than the real Gibby IMO.


hell, my brother also has a JS series Dinky which IMO is a kick ass guitar for the 200 bucks he paid for it, and with some better pickups would be an absolutely smoking guitar. frets are great, neck feels awesome, is pretty resonant...and im talking about the Indian made Jackson!!


you can find great cheap guitars, and expensive duds. you just have to look harder for the great cheap ones LOL

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i can understand... sound wise.. My 400 dollar hamer standard beats all (in my collection).. but i kinda grow tired of the feel.. Now my 100 dollar SX, I can play for hours. I can leave it strapped on all day (assuming i have nothing else to do). I love it to death.

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