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Help me pick which one I should buy-dirt pedal content


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So here's my set up-

Superstrat-style pawnshop prize-Behringer GM-110 amp with Eminence Ramrod-(loop)-EHX LPB1 clone-Arion MOC1 octave-Arion SCHZ chorus-Danelectro Fab Echo-(end loop).


I'd like a dirt pedal just to get some varied sounds and dirty/clean moments that is something different from the three amp models built into the amp, which are actually quite good at distortion on their own....but there's no channel switching.


So to avoid being an average joe and buying the standard boss/digitech/line6/etc. pedals out there, I've found something different, yet still affordable: Effector 13.


Here's my two choices:



The Clipping Boost-hear it!



Or the Short Decay Fuzz-hear this one!


I play lots of alternative, some jazz-ish-stuff like Django and co., Beethoven and Bach too, anything from Radiohead to White Stripes to Cat Power to Metallica to the Stones and British Invasion stuff. I'm all over the map, really.


So help me pick out/recommend me something and tell me why I should!

Thanks in advance!


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Depends on what you'd use more. Clipper seems a little more garage oriented the fuzz is kinda shoegazer. I thought the fuzz clip sounded like something outta the Chapel Hill indie scene in the early 90's (Superchunk, Archers of Loaf, etc.).


Depends on what you're looking for.


I liked the fuzz more.

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