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G&L Legacy


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You know they look just the same so on the Legacy I played today I'm not too sure. My brother just got the JB jr and said it was great. I do not like the way they look as they do not look like a regular single coil.

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I have to say though that the ASAT rocks more than the Legacy.



my legacy has gathered dust since i picked up the asat and the legacy is an excellent instrument.


as well as that my g400 special that had been my main axe for years has been on loan to a friend for a year and to be honest i wouldnt shed a tear if i never got it back.


im still on ebay every now and again looking for an asat classic just to cover all my bases:D

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ive got a legacy and an asat special too but mine have better finishes

what do you find yourself playing more out of the 2 of them?

I play them both about the same really,I'm not playing in a band right now so all my guitars get pretty much equal play.

I'll admit though when I got the ASAT,it made all the others jealous for a long time.

If I start gigging again,I'll have some decisions to make.


as for better finishes....:mad::p

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I bought my vintage blonde G&L Legacy, because I had more options in a strat type guitar for a lefty, than what Fender offered. Both of my G&Ls are basically custom made guitars, but much less than a Fender Custom Shop would have cost me.

It is a terrific guitar. Here it is next to my Fender Am.Deluxe Strat.


Here's my ASAT "Bluesboy" next to my PRS.

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as for better finishes....

my legacy has the same sunburst as the big photo above cept ive put on chrome pup covers, knobs and switch tip. it looks super fly, im toying with the idea of swapping the pickguard for chrome too but dunno if it'd be too much.

my asat is a red "swir" finish. it's kind of hard to describe and ive never seen a pic online of a similar guitar or finish but it looks great which the light hits it :thu:

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