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Why do LP players dig Tele's and Vice Versa?


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Most of the die-hard LP players I know dislike Strats but still appreciate and possibly even own a Tele. And vice versa. Is it because of Jimmy Page, or is this just one of those universal truths in guitar, like hollow bodies feedback and P-90's make noise (and there are of course exceptions to any rule).


I was pondering this while dropping a duece and reading a MF flyer.


I think it's because Strats have trems and aren't very ballsy, so that rules it out for a lot of Les Paul and Tele players.


I think Strats have a unique appeal, but for the most part either you're a Strat player or you're not.


Maybe I'm a closet case Strat fanatic that is just in denial...:thu:


Yea, I'm really bored and not excited about shopping for a barbaque and doing yardwork.

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Desipite them having very different physical characteristics, I think of them as similar guitars to play. Couldn't really tell you why, but they seem to respond the same way when you're playing them.

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Can't agree with you. I love my LP but I don't like tele's at all. I've tried but never found one I liked. I also have nothing against Strats, I used to have no desire to own one but that has changed in the past few months and a Strat will be my next guitar.

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I am tele player that owns a LP studio- IMO both have the midrange crunch with distortion the tele is easier to chord with. I have played riff on both the tele and the LP that tonaly song similar. Strat have more articulation I am not a huge LP fan .Tele is my main axe, but its hard to bet a LP growl.

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the strat bridge puts the strings very close to the body. A tune-a-matic bridge brings the strings relatively high up (about a 1/4'') from the body between the pickups. a Tele bridge also brings the strings pretty high up so they feel relatively similar. they both only have two pickups so you have a large gap between the pickups to play. They both usually have large neck. Both have more or less a slab body

they are very similar

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I'm mainly a Tele guy but recently got the double HB/ short scale bug. Got a Yamaha SG500B and can't put it down. I agree that it's the similarity in the design.

Having said that, sometimes I just get a real hankering for my Strat. The cut of the midrange is really nice when playing with a band.

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