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Setup questions


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I got a new mim fat strat yesterday, and I guess I have to adjust some things. Theres a crooked string tree, should I take off those two strings before loosening it and making it straight? Also theres some fret buzz.. I think the relief looks alright, neck looks straight and the action isn't too low so I don't know what it is. Maybe I'll do a slight turn of the truss rod. Also can you adjust the height of the humbucker? it has three small screws next to it so i don't know which ones to turn... Maybe I should just bring it to someone so they can do a setup because I suck at setting up guitars? thanks for the help

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I dont mean to sound condescending, but if you have to ask how to adjust a humbucking pickup's height, then I would question your ability to judge a necks "relief". Your best bet at this point would be to have someone do a professional setup for you as far as the fret buzz goes. The string tree issue is easily remedied by loosening tension on those two strings, straightening the tree out and then tightening it back in place. As far as changing the pickup height, I believe all 3 work to adjust the pickup height, but what is the problem with the pickup height?

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i guess i haven't seen too many humbucking guitars then... usually the ones i see just have the one screw on each side. i guess the two screws on the left side correspond to different sides of the pickup. no its not a big problem, just might want to lower it a smidge cuz if i pick close there i might start hitting it. hmm yeah i'll try to find a place i can get a setup done. not many in boston though unfortunately.

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