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Washburn P2 /PII : Tell me about them


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Hey guys. I saw an ad for a P2 (along with an amp and some Zoom pedalboard).


They total price means I could probably get a good deal for the guitar itself.


I know it was partially designed by Nuno, I know what the specs are (most of them, at least)


So, what can I expect,regarding sound and playability?


Are there different versions? If there are, which are more desireable?


Thanks :thu:

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A few different versions, including one with a Bigsby. The P stands for Princess. I think the most desireable ones are the powder blue with the stop tailpiece and the Silver metalflake with the Bigsby.


I had one for awhile. I still have a CII, which is a Korean made version. Very similar in sound/etc. to an LP but a bit easier to access the upper frets because of the way you can jam your hand up there.

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I had one for awhile. I still have a CII,
which is a Korean made



I thought the P2 was Korean too...


I'm still waiting for the seller to send me some photos, I'll probably have news in a few days.


Thanks for your input.

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Really a well designed instrument IMO. Perfect balance with better upper fret access than an LP. This model is also weighted perfectly for playing while seated, which I often do without a strap. Kind of a Jaguar meets LP type design which offends LP purists I suppose. I have the Custom Shop P4 and the Korean P290. Although I wouldn't say that the P290 is on a par build-wise, it is pretty close. The P290 has a nitro finish, has Grover tuners, excellent pus and an aluminum tailpiece which gives it a lot of bite. Straight mahogany, no cap, looks to be consistent in grain with the P4 (back). Very resonant guitar with quality electronics and fully attenuated pots. Overall, not your typical import IMO.

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No recording capability here. Was on my way out to the Casita to play, so this will have to suffice for now: http://cgi.ebay.com/1997-WASHBURN-NUNO-BETTENCOURT-P-SERIES-GUITAR-AD_W0QQitemZ190102645279QQihZ009QQcategoryZ33048QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem


Although this is obviously a P4 or prototype thereof, it looks more like a P2. My P4 has more binding, a roller bridge and fine tuners at the bridge. (Unfortunately all my photo files were recently destroyed and my digital camera which my wife and teenager use and drop is where-abouts unknown).

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