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Which IEM?


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I am a keyboard player and I want to buy custom earphones with my hardwired Shure PSM600 system. My options are:


- Ultimate ears UE-5 Pro (dual driver)

- Future Sonics Ear Monitors (? driver)

- Westone ES1 (single driver)

- Westone ES2 (dual driver)


What are your opinion? Also tell me is there some remarkable sound difference between single and dual driver earphones (because single driver costs about twice chaper then dual driver)?



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Marty Garcia and FutureSonics are by far the most popular of them all, and the most used by the top artists. He's the originator of IEM's, and really, really knows his sh*t. He's also a really nice guy who will gladly talk to you if he's at the office.

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I have the Westone UM2 dual driver monitors, they are great! $600 + $30 ear mould fee from local Audiologist.


Don't know about the difference between single and dual, never owned any others.


However, I have a set of $60 sony Ipod phones with the mushroom head looking rubber ear piece, and it sounds pretty good. But not as good as the Westones with the Ipod.


When I smile while playing, the high end leaks in to my ears a bit. Kind of handy for checking cymbal tone.


The Westone People are nice to deal with.


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I just did a comparison of canalphones.


First - if you can spring for the custom molds - there's no comparison. They're the best. $750 and up.


Of the "off-the-shelf" models there are two price points....around $300 - 500 and under $200.


The $300 - 500 models would be stuff like the Shure E-5c and E500, Westone UM2, Ultimate Ears superfi5pro and Etymotic ER-4p.


They all sound great - it's more a matter of your personal sonic preference.


The sub-$200 phones are a BIG step down sonically. Might work for IEM's - but be sure to check them out first.


Brands to check out are Shure E2,3,4, Sennheiser CX 300, Etymotics ER6i, Creative Labs EP 630s and others.


The CX 300 are getting great reviews.....around $60.


Finally - the fit is by far the most important aspect. A great phone can sound bad if not fitted in the ear correctly. (no bottom end)


Also - as a musician - you need to consider how well the phone block out external sounds.


Check out the threads here:




My choice? UE superfi5pro. Why? Cause they were the only "good" ones I could find in stock. (at Guitar Center) VERY happy with them !

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Originally posted by Chris Groegler

Here's another Future Sonics user. They sound great and I have been pleased with them.




Hi Chris!


I am also very interested in Future Sonics Ear Monitors, but I don't know which to get: with firm canal or soft canal. Which one you bought and could you tell me something about them in details?



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Here's a pretty good link.....


Custom IEM discussion


I found there are two types of custom molds - ones that have the drivers built in, and molds that attach to your existing IEM's.....like UM2's etc.


Sensaphonics charges about $150 - 200 for the ones that attach to your IEM's.




They will send a kit to your audiologist for the molds. They feel the soft molds are the most comfortable at present.


Drumr mentioned a "leak" when he smiles....that's most likely a mold problem. Dr. Santucci was recommending that molds be made with the mouth open to prevent leaks.


The built-in's are much more expensive - Start around $750 - can get well over $2000.


Here's the link for Futuresonics:




A couple of things have me scratching my head at the moment....


Someone mentioned that as you get older your ear canals enlarge - meaning that you need to get re-fitted on a yearly basis. That could get to be expensive with the custom jobbies.


And - I would think it would be difficult to repair the embedded custom models.


So - I'm tending toward the inserts. The bad side is that they stick out from the ear.....might look a bit odd.


What's your opinions ?

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Originally posted by Deki

Hi Chris!

I am also very interested in Future Sonics Ear Monitors, but I don't know which to get: with firm canal or soft canal. Which one you bought and could you tell me something about them in details?




Call them and taly to Marty Garcia or Dave McGuinness. They will happily answer your questions.

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Soft molds are great to keep that seal. If there is leak the natural inclination is to turn up the buds. As an audiologist I would want to keep the seal so the sound was consisitent.

Single, dual, triple driver! sometimes triple is too much for your ear if you plan to use it for for than 10 minutes or so. Know what the output of the monitor is. Its a balancing act of how high can you listen to the volume for a particular amount of time.

I would have though dual drivers for bass and drums..its really a question of sound quality to the listener.

PLEASE understand that isolation is the key to successful use of in ears. DO NOT purchase monitors that allow sound in from the outside on purpose. this just makes you turn the volume up, and up, and up.

Ambient issues: I understand that it takes some getting used to, mostly an average of three shows for peeps to acclimate to ears. The isolation kills it for a lot of musicians. You have options! Ambient mics are most common. Startegically placed and mixed through your ears can give a pretty real sensation. We are getting smarter though! Check out the new Sensaphonics 3D ambient system!! This has small hearing aid microphones implanted in the side of the monitor. Incredible, it feels like you have nothing in your ears! Your ambience is mixed in through the mics at ear level.

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