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Prison made guitars?


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Jesus Christ



Chris Columbus

The Wright Bros.


Leonardo DaVinci

Michael Angelo

Sir Issac Newton

Watson & Crick

Any World Leader Who ever lived

Are you starting to get the point?

Chuck Yeager


Henry ford

Ben Franklin

Nicola Tesla

Donald Trump

Ron Popeil

Louis Pasteur

Sigmund Freud

Salvador Dali

William Shakesphere

Your Favorite Guitar manufacturer/luthier

Bill Gates

Abner Doubleday


Martain Luther


Louis & Clark




All these people/organizations have something in common.

They were all mocked and ridiculed by non believers and/or critics whose natural tendency is to criticise and hate and ridicule and laugh at things that are out of the ordinary or unusual. People mock things that they don't understand. They do this not so much because they actually believe their own criticism, but because it is very safe and easy to follow the mob like a bunch of uncreative unimaginative lemmings and criticise rather than give fresh and new ideas a chance. I'm sure alot of you actually do find this guitar rediculous and ugly and thats fine. But the way some of these comments are rolling off the keypads REEKS of mocking creative, expressive talent only for the reason that the critic knows he could never have it(the talent, or merely the desire to create originality) and can only dream of possesing it.

These are the same type of people that will never EVER accomplish anything of substance, artistically speaking,themselves because they are petrified to take a chance at any form of originality or creativity and they are terrified to be on the receiving end of the very criticism that they so expertly dole out. So they keep regurgitating the same crap over and over and over again and calling it talent and or art and patting themselves on the back because they can point to something that has been done a thousand times and say "See? Arent I great? Mine looks/sounds just like his!"

Who knows where the motivation for the artist/luthier in question here came from? But it is rather obvious that this guitar is more about Artistic expression and the need to create than about making something that will appeal to the masses. The very reason that most of you think this guitar is a rediculous piece of {censored} is exactly the same reason that someone will eventually buy it. Mabye not this go around or the next, but it will happen.

Once that happens, you may see people comming out of the woodwork talking about what an incredible masterpiece this is. Or, Mabye not, but the point is, Its nice to see people who are honest about their reasons for criticism as opposed to just adding to the list of "Yeah! Its ugly! That guy must definitely be on crack" etc. because it is easy,safe, and self ammusing to do so.

This has been presented to you by your weekly saturday night rant by me!

fwiw, there're many people in that list that shouldn't be.

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Has anybody here ever even visited a prison? I'm not saying I'd buy it if I did have the money, or that I personally find it attractive in any immediate sense, but I look at that guitar and it invokes beauty for me, because it represents the indomitability of the human spirit. Yeah, you find a ton of dumb assholes in prison. You also discover the best of what one is capable of under the worst of circumstances, and this is it.

I've spent a lot of time in prisons and jails, as a staff person and as a volunteer. (I have not been in prison or jail as a prisoner.)


I've found prisoners, as a group, to be smart, creative and capable. I have looked at handicrafts created by prisoners. They are usually nicely done. The prisoners don't just havea lot of time to WORK on things, they have a lot of time to THINK about and PLAN the work, and they have lots of people to talk with, when planning the work.


So the work isn't always good, but it's usually good. Prisoners generally have many of the same distractions and amusements available to them as non-prisoners, such as TV, films, sports, cards and so forth. So prisoners who choose to develop craft projects or art tend to be reasonably capable.


So, having seen the work prisoners do, I'm unwilling to apply some sort of special standard to work they do. This guitar is ugly, very unattractive. I'm glad that the prisoner who did the work was able to express himself, and I hope he enjoyed making it. I can promise you that it will not be accepted as an example of folk art, will not become part of any museum collection, anywhere, and will not be purchased for $20,000, $25,000 or any other amount larger than $200.


It was fun to see, though, so thanks for posting!!

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