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Batwoman is a Lesbian... Kewl...

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Tell you what... I do not disagree with you. I dislike how almost everything in this world is sexualized. Just look how our record industry dresses their teen idols that our kids buy.


As someone else posted, mostly grown ups, I believe, buy these "comics" / graphic novels. Tell you what, some of the issues I am currently reading are overtly sexualized, thus making this tidbit of news (which could actually be some marketing ploy) really, not much of news at all. There are far "racier" moments, or actually, much more adult issues, being disscussed or happening in the stories that have more of an impact than the "Batgirl is lesbian" thing. Im not a reader of any BatBooks so I do not know much but I'll tell you what I believe is currently happening, storywise. The Batgirl character hasn't been used in a while, so the writers are "reviving" it. I believe the person that will be wearing the Batgirl suit is a "partner" of one of the main characters in a DC book, Renee Montoya, an ex-cop that is hitting bottom in her career, and that is that. The fact that Renee Montoya has been a lesbian, drunk and cool character has been looong known and well liked by the readers of the book, Gotham Central (I think that is the name.)


I do not place this Batgirl in the same pantheon or league with sesame street or the like. These books are usually, only available at those "geeky shops" (as I overheard some passerbys call it). By the looks of the store, you can almost tell that, unless kids are there to buy Yugi-oh cards (or something like it) they don't even enter.


Anyway, agree or disagree, this is where we currently live, I guess I agree that in this day and age, we have to be extra careful in guiding our children throughout the bombast of media that they are exposed. I trust that most people here have a good sense to monitor what their kids are into and doing. I least I know what me 10 year old girl reads and likes and shares with me, and that is much more than my parents shared with me when I had her age. I think is a very good step forward from a generation ago.


Thanks a lot for commenting! Is nice to share thoughts in a positive manner and hope we are all the better for it!

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Originally posted by Lee Flier

The issue here isn't "tolerance" of gay people...

...I just don't think little kids are thinking about sexuality one way or the other at that age and by foisting our adult issues on them, we're suddenly putting undue attention on something that we really shouldn't be.

...And I just think it sucks that we have to sexualize absolutely everything - that's our problem, it shouldn't be a 5 year old's.


+1 (and however many additional zeros ya wanna tack onto that. ) :)


I can only speak for myself in saying that anyone's sexual orientation is of so little concern that it's nothing but a HUUUGE yawner. :bor: My best guess would be that the vast majority of SSSers feel much the same way and have high regard for diversity in all areas of life and humanity (huwomanity?).


The cheap use of sexuality as a marketing/publicity tool and/or as a means of purposely creating absurd and meaningless political (cough) "controversy", however, is IMO the work of true sleazebags. Adults of reasonable intelligence recognize this stuff as pure crap in action and can freely form their own opinions. But, as Lee pointed out, let's give the 5 year-olds a break and leave them out of it. Sheesh... everyone knows they'll all be involuntarily drowning in it soon enough.




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Originally posted by Lee Flier

Oh. Well... damn. Ever seen
? I guess the Beatles were gay too.


To echo one of Ustad's previous posts:


"So they're not gay?" (emphasis mine)


Okay, okay... not George and Ringo. ;)




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I agree totally and completely that it got out of hand a LONG time ago. It just doesn't matter. I mean, it REALLY doesn't matter.


However, I also agree with Tele's statement regarding the readership. It is for the "of age" crowd, and is written and marketed as such. The Bat-Universe, DC's Vertigo line, and a good bit of Marvel (in particular, stuff like the Marvel Knights books) are not exactly for the kiddies. So though there may be kids that like the characters, I don't think too many will be reading Batwoman. BTW, there are kid-friendly comics, in which I'm sure Batwoman will NOT be a lesbian.


I just find it amazing that this was even news. Eh...guess it's better than speculation about the Telechubbies.


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Lee, Batman in comics was never really aimed at young kids, when it started (1940's I think), before the comics code, it was more violent and frequently had Batman killing off the bad guys quite brutally. It went completely silly & camp in the 60's then went back to being dark & violent again (as in the recent film). It's the 60's program and cartoons that were aimed at a younger audience than the books.


SpiderMan, while perfectly suitable for younger children, always dealt with Peter Parkers personal problems as well.


This isn't really anything new, it's just a bit more high profile.





My name is Base and I am a recovering comic book geek :D

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Originally posted by Base

Lee, Batman in comics was never really aimed at young kids, when it started (1940's I think), before the comics code, it was more violent and frequently had Batman killing off the bad guys quite brutally. It went completely silly & camp in the 60's then went back to being dark & violent again (as in the recent film). It's the 60's program and cartoons that were aimed at a younger audience than the books.


Well seeing as I was a little kid in the 60's, that younger audience would've been me. :D So, sorry if I misunderstood the context, I hereby revise my opinion from :mad: to :bor: :bor: :bor:.



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