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moding a cheap ass tele


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so, I`m thinking of buying this cheapo tele as a project an mod the hell out of it. So this teles are going for something like 70 euro...It`s a toploader and I`d like to put this bridge in it



I`m aware it will take some driling, but is there anything elese I should look out for? I`l probably put some grovers I have lying aroung on it, new pots and wires...what do you guys think abou it. I`t shouldn`t be a big deal exept the bridge. Any tips on this would be great.


Oh yeah, this is the geetar


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GFS parts. It's how I wound up doing my entire tele, because the {censored} people sold me at Seymour Duncan's sale forum didn't work (one said he had a set of tele graphtechs and sent me a strat set; another sold me EMG-Ts with all the wrong electronics).


I got the bridge, pickup, and pickguard from GFS. The tuners are Gotohs, but I woulda got them from GFS, as well, had they been around when I first started modding this.




No, it's not a Fender. It's a Nelsonic. The previous owner did the headstock logo.

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The wood looks nice enough, knock yourself out.


Have fun with it but don't sink too much into the upgrade. It sounds like you already have it pretty well in hand.


One trick I read about drilling the ferrule (sp?) hole, if you're doing it by hand, is not to drill through in one pass. Drill first from the top and then from the bottom so that you meet half way in the body. This will prevent the holes from being misaligned.

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