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Need Locking tuners on a fixed bridge Ibanez - any suggestions?


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I looked around at various online stores, and there's not a whole lot out there - a lot of Fender this, Gibson that, as usual...my Ibanez is a cheapie, 229580jpg.jpg but it plays great and gets a decent sound from the stock pups ( might replace those down the road) so it would be nice if it stayed in tune! Looking for a set that has the same gunmetal gray finish, if there is such a possibility...Thanks!

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Are you sure it's the tuners that are causing the tuning problem? You might wanna check out the nut and bridge saddles first, to make sure the strings aren't catching on anything.


With cheaper guitars like that, there's a definite possibility that the nut is cut all wonky. And even super-cheap tuners aren't very prone to slippage, due to the nature of the gears.

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A locking nut isn't practical, because you don't have any fine tuners on the bridge to correct tuning once the nut is locked down.


First consider having a better nut cut for it, plastic nuts are crap, plain and simple. Just about anything is better...graphtech, tusq, corian, bone.


Locking tuners don't really offer any better stability than regular tuners, their big benefit comes from faster string changes. What locking tuners actually lock is the string in the shaft; you pull the string through, lock it in and then the tuner works normally. The save the time and hassle of having to get 3 windings around the tuner. They do not lock the gear or lock down tuner, the knobs work and move the same as always. that said, you can't really go wrong with Schaller, Grover and Gotoh tuners, locking or otherwise over stock. My favorite tuners are Schaller M6's.


As make sure you are stringing and tuning correctly. You should shot for 3 windings on the peg (most of use cheat the low E and A and only have 2, which seems to work); tune and stretch and tune and stretch and tune and stretch the strings; also tune UP to a note, never down; etc.

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Okay. I realize this guitar was $279 new, so it obviously has cheapie stuff on it -


It makes total sense about the locking nut not being worthwhile (no fine tuners on bridge) and if you all think I really just need to get a good nut cut for it, that brings up the next issue - although I've played guitars for a long time ( thanks for the stringing lesson, but I've at least got that one down...!:thu:) I've never really messed with them and I'd hate to just go at it, even with this lower end guitar. The thing plays like a dream and I don't want to disturb that - is is safe to just bring it to a local shop for such an operation? I don't know of any luthiers around here so I guess I'll start looking for one after the holiday...



Thanks for the info, folks!

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Have a tech look at the nut. You don't need locking tuners.

Are you tuning
to the note when you tune?

Makes a big difference..................................

Tuners are rarely to blame for tuning problems.


Yeah, I always bring the note up into tune...I think me needs to find a good tech, huh?

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