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New Queen album in the making


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Looks like it was well received. :D


Thanks folks, for the wonderful flood of messages about our download track. I'm quite overcome. After the intensity of the last 72 hours of 'polishing' of the track, I slept for most of the next day (or tried to, through the awful noise of builders which surrounds my house every day...), so I missed most of the 'launch' moments (this is tale very familiar to me, from way back in the days of "A Night at the Opera" - and further ...) so I got a shock, a very good shock, opening my E-mail box. I'm really glad that folks have been enjoying the song and the performance and the production - and some of you are very eloquent, to the point where I got pretty moved reading the messages. I wish I could write directly back to everyone, but will you please accept our sincere thanks for the support ... it will be a real boost for our morale, when we go back in to shape what we hope will be a worthy new studio album.


Meanwhile ... enjoy !




P.S. Mind you ... after seeing Jeff Beck last night in terrifying form heading up a sensational band at Ronnie Scott's ... I might just have to give up Guitar Playing! Jeff is utterly, brilliantly innovative and dangerous, still ahead of us all after all these years ... I had to give myself a good talking-to on the way out, to remind myself that we all have our roads to follow, etc., etc ... In Jeff's hands, the guitar becomes almost an entirely new instrument ... he is quite unlike anyone or anything else we have ever seen ... the guitarist's guitarist ... the Guv'nor ! (I wrote a song to commemorate this fact ... remember?) It reminds me of seeing Jimi Hendrix, all those years ago. As a privileged spectator, having being thrilled, shocked, stunned, and nearly obliterated, you have to one of two things. Give up, or go home and practice a LOT!!!


One of the best things about my life has been enjoying a relationship with many of the best guitarists in the world. I'm incredibly fortunate ... they're all inspiring, and great people too ... but I don't think I am out of line - I don't think there are many players out there anywhere who would quarrel with my next sentence.

In the dark art of weaving magic from 6 metal strings .... respects to probably the greatest living exponent ... BECK.




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