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Should I trade my MIM 60th Stat....


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for a 2000 MIM Strat??? I feel like I have never really bonded with my 60th Strat, or it's color, and came across an artic white Strat with a rosewood fretboard and a tortoise shell pg and its absolutely gorgeous. The paint is a little rough, a couple of chips, but it just feels right, I think it may be because it's worn in. I am gas'n really hard for it and it seems like I should hang on to the 60th because of it's limited run, the 200 MIM is $250 and I'm sure I could talk them down, its at a pawn shop. Maybe I should just buy it outright, but I really dont need another Strat.


Thanks for the response.

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NO, NOWAY should you sell it.
you should give it to me, and good luck will follow you for your whole life

really you should keep it though, just put it up for safe keeping cuz like you said it is a limited run, and who knows maybe one day you'll dig it out and love it

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