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Fender Strat with these specs - possible?


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I'm starting to gas for a strat, but I would really like to get it with the exact specs I want. Can the following combination be found in any old Fenders or would I have to go for a Warmoth?


-Maple fretboard with amber-tint lacquer (kind of like the 50s classics)

-22 frets (the bigger the better, no vintage-sized)

-Small headstock

-Solid color finish (no burst or seethrough)


Maple is easy, 22 frets kind of restricts it to MIA models and some MIJ's. Small headstock rules out the new HW1's, and the tinted laqcuer seems to be a rare sight. I think I have seen some MIA strats with that but I have no idea what era they were from, possibly 80s.


Am I out of luck? I'd rather not order from Warmoth since it's pretty expensive after shipping+duty fees.

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The 50s classic would be a no-brainer if it had the 22th fret. I don't use it often but I want it to be there just in case. The deluxe has a bit too much bling (and price) for me, and the G&L's are pretty hard to find here. Thanks for the suggestions though.


I know, I'm being (too) picky here. Maybe I should forget the tint and get a used American series in chrome red or something, as it has all the other features I'm looking for. I just think some strats look really strange with the pale maple boards.

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