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Can flat/uncrowned frets affect your intonation ?


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On my new LP deluxe, the frets are pretty dang flat. I've intonated it at the 12th fret like all of my other guitars, but seems like I have some issues north of the 12th fret when chording. I know it's never perfect all over the fretboard, but this seems to be a bit worse than my other guitars in this area, and the flat frets is the only obvious difference. They are a bit taller as well, which I know can affect things if I press too hard. Just curious. Anyone ever intonate at other frets ?

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Flat frets can absolutely affect your intonation, but truly flat frets are somewhat of an anomaly. Frets can often look flat on top but are actually shaped somewhat like the top of a school bus, with a gentle curve on top. My diamond fret file leaves a crown like that, it tends to wear longer than a sharper crown.


Flat frets would only show up if someone leveled the frets and then didn't bother to recrown them, which doesn't sound like something Gibson would do on an expensive guitar. Then again...


But yes, flat frets will screw up your intonation, because the string will be contacting the side of the fret at the edge of the flat instead of the center of the fret where it should. Whether you'd notice or not depends, because the guitar is already what's known as an even tempered instrument, meaning it's close to in tune all over the neck but rarely perfectly in tune anywhere. Different people have different sensitivities to out of tuneness, some won't even notice it whereas it'll drive some people crazy.

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