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Help me relieve my GAS. [Or: how can I build this strat for cheap?]


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The closest thing I have to a strat is the single coil in my Ibanez and oh my, I have acquired the horrifying GAS attack.

I once had a fullerton and it was great but I had to sell it [and I got a great price for it] and so forever Ive been wanting a black strat a-la Gilmour. something like this:


The only problem is: Im semi-broke, and im left handed.

I sort of want to build the guitar myself [not from scratch tho].

Ive been looking on eBay at those EDEN Brand parts and they are cheap but Im not sure of their quality. Im not gonna save on the pickups and stuff but Im not sure if getting good electronics and a POS guitar body [in terms of wood] would be a good idea.


Im staying away from warmoth atm because they are too damn expensive + time consuming. any other ideas?

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The reason to go with Warmoth is for the ability to customize your purchase. You choice fret size, tuner holes, back contour, nut spacing, fretboard radius, wood, etc. You can only get that freedom from a few other builders, while places like Mighty Mite and Allparts are considerably cheaper, but you have to choose from preset options, so there isn't really any customization possible.

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well I really wouldent know the diffrence between nut spacing and fret sizing. the normal fender strat necks are fine. the only thing that will bother me is too fat necks.

I thought of getting a used warmtoh neck from eBay and a 2 piece alder body from those EDEN guys. good idea?

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I would say that if you don't care about nut spacing and fret size, then there's really no reason to go for a Warmoth at all. You'd be better off looking for Mighty Mite or Allparts; they will be cheaper. Actually, you can get great deals on Squier (and sometimes Fender) necks on Ebay. I recently picked up a Telecaster neck, tuners included, for $60.

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yeah, Ill probably get a right handed neck and use it reverse. but what about a body? I want a normal SSS body but It has to be left handed.

As Ive said ive looked into ebay and saw this:


But im not sure about the quality and worry that {censored}ty wood will make the entire guitar sound like crap.

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Well, that body does look slightly "off" to me; can't really explain it, but something is wrong for a traditional Strat. I think it may be the contours. The wood, however, is likely fine. Also, NONE of the holes are drilled for that body. For a first time build, you would be better off with the neck and bridge holes drilled. I can tell you from experience, without the proper tools its very easy to get these holes wrong...

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yeah seems like eden reviews ive read arent exactly 'raving' at those bodies. Maybe I should buy a MIM strat and strap it with better pups?



That would likely be the cheapest route. Just look for a used MIM in black with a Maple neck, and go to GFS for pickups. Should come in at well under $400, as long as you get a decent deal on the actual guitar.

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