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Approaching fans of other similar sounding bands to check out your music.(Good idea?)

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Just wanted see how everyone else is promoting their music and getting people to listen to it with all this networking sites. Is it a good idea to approach random people that you think are likely to like your music online?


I'm asking because I know there's a lot of bands doing it in myspace, but I wonder if it would come across as spamming or unprofessional. What are your thoughts? What would be the best way to do it if so?



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Well, it's "spamming" if you know you're going to piss off many in hopes of gaining a few. But it's "marketing" if you're confident that most of the people you contact will see a lot of value in what you have to offer and will appreciate you contacting them to tell them about it.


Once my band has finished it's demos, we definitely plan to contact people who have left comments on U2 and similar bands' sites and tell them that if they like U2 there's a good chance they might like us as well.

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My viewpoint: If you do it, don't band spam people, meaning sending out more than one bulletin per day. Nothing goads me faster than the bands who think that a relentless barage of bulletins of event invents will get me to pay attention to them.

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My viewpoint: If you do it, don't band spam people, meaning sending out more than one bulletin per day. Nothing goads me faster than the bands who think that a relentless barage of bulletins of event invents will get me to pay attention to them.



A monthly email should take care of everything unless you are sending out a reminder for a specific group of people for a show. Of course, if you get big enough, you don't need reminders. U2 has never sent me a reminder! (But they do advertise the hell out of a show if it's not sold out....)

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In the end it's all social networking and part of that is contacting someone cold whether it's some hot chick who would never respond to you in a million years or a band who wants fans.


Contact the people who have left comments for the band you're targeting. Those are the people who are the "active" fans who will give you the greatest bang for your marketing attempts.

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Lots of good advice, thanks for your feedback!


I started sending messages in the afternoon, and so far it's been great. Got like 75 new friends and a couple of messages all with positive reactions. I guess it might be worth putting some time into getting your name out there after all :)



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