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Question about cables?


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Anybody claiming they sell a cable for bass or guitar specifically is trying to take advantage of your ignorance to get more money.

No, there isn't a difference, despite what labels some manufacturers put on their products. Those little electrons don't really care if they're banging around at 200 hz or 2,000.

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Anybody claiming they sell a cable for bass or guitar specifically is trying to take advantage of your ignorance to get more money.

No, there isn't a difference, despite what labels some manufacturers put on their products. Those little electrons don't really care if they're banging around at 200 hz or 2,000.



What he said.

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It all has to do with the pixies... there are bass pixies and there are guitar pixies, and the two really don't get along very well. The main difference is the direction of pixie travel... guitar pixies travel from + to -, bass, the other way around. So if you try to use a bass cable for guitar, you have to plug it in the other end. :freak::blah:

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