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Storing a neck


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I've got a strat neck left over from a build project earlier this year. It might be a year or two before I undertake another one. Are there any problems to storing a neck for a prolonged period like that? And are there any special considerations I should take in doing so, packing or othervise? Right now it's lying unwrapped on the top of my living room book case. :)

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Cool & dry would be first answer. Top of the book case will be getting more heat thn a lower shelf.

What will happen over time is the neck will dry out a little & in turn the wood will shrink a little. This happens anyway with the guitar on a body, but if you're playing it... believe it or not, your hands will keep the fret ends smoothed over. What will happen if it's not being played is that the wood will shrink a little & of course, the frets do not. So worst case is that you will need to dress your fret ends if they feel like thy're sharp when you go to use it.

Best bet, wrap it in some news paper (loosely) and put it in a box with one of those "do not eat this" pouches of silica gel.

and remember... what ever you do....

even after you have used the neck

..... DO NOT eat the silica gel:p

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but, but, but, they're so Tasty

Makes a lot of sense, your post that is
. Thanks.

They are aren't they!

And the problem is that they are so readily available. I have to hide in the basement so the kids don't catch me too! Especially since I took their whip cream cans away!

If you get bored with the regular flavor, I'll send ya' some cajun seasoning that'll put the giddy back in yer up!

Side note on the neck: you can probably expect to need some minor neck adjustment when you do use it. In the mean time, since there's no string tension on it, It wouldn't be a bad idea to loosen the truss rod a turn.

Have a great day & it was nice meeting you!

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