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How is Fender's takeover of Hamer playing out?


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There was a lot of talk when it and wondering when it occured about what Fender's take over of Hamer would mean for the production of the latter's instruments. Now that it's been a while, does anyone know what, if anything, happend. Is there or will there be any changes to production and/or quality?


I've said it before - I'd hate to see Fender pull the same stuff on Hamer as they did to Guild.

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The Problem I have with FMIC is that they really cut advertising of all but Fender branded products.IMO.

Jackson went from public eye to rare sighting if at all the last few years.

I bet Hamer is experiencing the same business model Jackson has adhered too.

I think Guild also is under the Fender thumb as well.

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I talked to a music store owner who spoke with Jol Danzig at the NAMM show. Jol stated that Fender thus far is leaving the U.S. operations of Hamer alone and letting them do their thing. I think that they (Fender) were more interested in acquiring Ovation thus taking Guild and Tacoma guitars with them to a state of the art manufactuing plant. Frank

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