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Duncans or DiMarzios?


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I'm looking to swap the pick ups out of my 06/07 Ibanez 2 2170FB prestige, and I'm not sure whether to go with Duncans or DiMarzios. I've owned 3 differnt duncan pick ups. The JB/59 combo in an LTD H-1000 I had a couple years back, but, those are more of a Rock pick up combo, not exactly what I play.


and as far as DiMarzio's go, maybe the PAF Pro and Breed in the neck and bridges respectively with a single in the middle.


What are your guys suggestions? either from those two brands or any others.


I'll be replacing all 3 pick ups and want a nice tone to mesh with all of them and get really versatile sounds from each individually and together.

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The JB/59 combo in an LTD H-1000 I had a couple years back, but, those are more of a Rock pick up combo, not exactly what I play.

What kind of music do you play? And what woods is your guitar made from? I'm thinking a Duncan Jazz neck and a '59 at the bridge. And maybe some kind of Duncan Fender single coil type in the middle.

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