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getting out of the electric guitar game for a bit


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I play a fair amount of acoustic guitar, especially in the summer. I have this large porch in the back of my house, with a lovely view - if I may say so myself - and I love to go sit outside and pick the acoustic. A complete no stress situation.


Same here BHH.:thu:


I rarely plug in all summer cause I like to play loud and I'm not a fan of pedals. That could get to be too much for the neighbors with all the windows open, even just playing the Champ.


Wintertime in Minnesnowta is great for crankin' tube amps.:rawk:

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Nothing wrong with going acoustic. I go in spurts where that's all I play for a while, especially when I want to get creative. I feel as though I just write better on an acoustic. I keep one in every room where I know I'll be sitting down to relax. I have a 12-string in my studio room, my main six string in the living room, and another six string tuned to open G in the sun porch. In fact, I love playing acoustic in open G better than playing electric. I guess that's my true Black Crowes "fandom" coming out. You can write some killer material in that tuning.:thu:

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