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Mom n Pop Shop


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I was at a local MnP earlier today. They have an annoying policy of not letting anyone handle the guitars.

I was testing out low watt amps to have by the TV while the kids were sleeping. She said "pick out a guitar you want to try and I will get it for you." So, I do, and she would not let me have it until I sat down. She then plugged it in for me and and turned the amp on. She seemed irritated that I shut the amp off before trying the next one. Oh, the amps were a fender frontman and peavey backstage and the guitar was an AM standard strat. The Peavey was OK, the fender was horrible. Like I said, I am looking for something small for in front of the TV that can also utilize headphones.

Then I decide to head over to the other side of the rack to try out a VOX DA5. Again, she takes the guitar from me and walks it over to the other side and proceeds to set it up and did not give me the guitar until I sat down. When I was done, she was helping someone else so I unplugged, stood up and waited for the kid that worked there to get off the phone to give him the guitar to hang on the wall, that was face level for me. I said "I know you guys don't like us to handle the guitars", he laughed.

Do any of your mom and pops stores act like this? I am 38 by the way. I have been places that don't let kids handle guitars by themselves, but they usually tell me to go ahead and try whatever. I really don't want to go back there. What a pain in the ass it is to try anything out. I felt like a 10 year old.

When I go into elderly music (and of course GC) , I can grab whatever I want an play away. I understand they are looking protect their investments because they are small, but c'mon.

I'm 15 and never had a problem at my local mom n pops. That's because I'm careful of the gear, play decent music, and keep my volume down. It can't hurt that every other time I go in there, I buy something (even if it's just a dozen picks or a set of strings).:thu:

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