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What an adventure...


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I went into a local store today with a couple friends. I was on a mission for telecasters as I've been gassing for one A LOT lately and realized that I need to diversify my playing as well as the guitars I own and stop being such an Ibanez freak. Granted I still want like 2 more Ibanezes, but that's neither here nor there.


So, I play a Standard MIM tele, a Baja tele, and 2 thinlines. And I gotta tell you, I liked the Baja the best. The vintage style bridge was amazing, the neck was thick but I have huge hands and it felt pretty good. However, my eye since I got home has been on a Highway one in 3-tone sunburst with a maple fretboard. Anyone ever play or own one of these? Not specifically the color but the model itself.


I've had a "re-birth" of sorts in music. I've been listening to this band the Gaslight Anthem for about a year now and they're having a HUGE impact on me musically. Very punk, blues, soul, and rock'n'roll sounding. If you haven't heard them, go check them out now. www.myspace.com/thegaslightanthem


Anyway, they've really been influencing my writing lyrically and musically. I feel like I'm finding myself musically again and I'd love to keep it going and not go through phases but rather continue to learn and grow.


As an aside, I was playing one of those telecasters and out of nowhere spot a late 90's early 2000's Ibanez S 370 model. Used, with no tag on it. I started playing it and was like HOLY {censored}! I WANT THIS!!! And told my friend, if this is like 200 to 300 dollars, I'm walking outta here with this thing. Sure, enough it was 299.95. But, I backed out. Couldn't justify it. I really want a new S with 24 frets, etc etc.



Thought I'd share this journey with other people who would be able to understand and possibly lend some advice on the Highway One tele.

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