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Sell your songs rights to fans!?


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Not sure what to think on this one. On one side, hell man, you get an advance on royalties on your songs that you might have never even seen in the whole duration of that songs existance. Plus starter bands that really need cash now and don't want to wait for $0.34 every few months from radio play that isn't happening could at least get something to help start up a tour or pay the next album.


I think it comes down to just a gamble on both ends (though not sure fans would make back what they pay?) but I think it's something interesting to offer them. Maybe not 50% of any part of the song, but help support by buying 1% of a song or something is kind of cool, and would definately build up fan to artist loyalty or bond in a way?


I'm not completely against the concept.

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As long as you don't give up your full rights you could look at it as an investment for publishing purposes. They would have to give me a lot more than 2,500 or 5k though for me to give up a 50% share. For many artists I work with who may only sell a few thousand copies of an album i would still be skeptical of selling anything over 49% to an unknown person when they have no way of furthering my career. You could also get into many legal issues with this, if anything you are better off just going to a publishing company and in the long run will end up making more. But hey the way the music industry is going now most indie acts are making more from touring than sales.

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One thing I didn't think about though ...


Let's say a restaurant wants to use one of your songs for a commercial. Don't all owners of the music have to agree to the offer for it to go through? If it's the case, I guess if the whole selling a part of your songs to a fan thing is around, the buyer would have to revoke all decision power over any issues that could arrise with that song no?

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Let's say a restaurant wants to use one of your songs for a commercial. Don't all owners of the music have to agree to the offer for it to go through?



Generally no (Joint authorship doctrine gives each owner an undivided interest -- now since here we would be dealing with an assignee owner as opposed to an author things may be a little different...the terms of the assignment can modify things, so it can depend on those terms), exclusive licenses, however, can require that (otherwise is ain't gonna be exclusive)


but doesn't look like it'd apply here (just from the advert video) it looks to be an assignment of revenue interest, not ownership/control rights (the ad mentions the author maintains rights)

I suspect they are kinda playing the term "ownership of the song" a little loosely in the advert for the fun factor of having the plaque on the wall

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