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I can not account for the stubborn resilience of instrumental hard rock in MI


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KORG's and YAMAHA's and CASIO's which have press-the-button DEMO SONG capabilities most often play some kind of wild fusion kinda thing... free-form drumming, constantly shifting mood, big guitar solo, etc.
Music of a genre I don't hear anywhere else...


You're not listening in the right places ;)

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When people write music for and ad, you're working with certain musical stereotypes... In some areas marketing areas, the musical stereotype changes, like car commercials, in others, it becomes the music to play for those spots...


That type of rock music you describe has become the icon for anything that is supposed to be exciting and edgy... Not that that is true, but that's what's expected for an ad... And if you're hired by an ad company, this is what they want to hear and you get the gig... You give them a bossa nova with somebody playing the flute on top, and you lose the gig...


However, I really think we need to bring back the bossa nova... Sort of like what Todd Rundgren did at one point in his career with his old tunes... He knows the value of the bossa nova... :)


Next time they have an exciting sports spot, we need a bossa nova... :)

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My three guesses:

1. It's the musical style preferred by the clowns who work in music stores. (No offense to those few intelligent, knowledgeable, professional music store employees.)


2. They use that music to get the customers off the phone or out of the store quickly.


3. The industry got a bulk discount on background music recycled from porn movie soundtracks from the mid-eighties and they want to use it up quickly.

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I think it is a type of music that generically represents "rock" without falling too much in any one camp.


I worked at a company that had a stock music collection and one of the cd's was all what I call "sports rock." The CD was called "no wimps"


Also, guitar wankers like it and they seem to be the people who care more about gear than almost anyone else, including professional musicians and studio owners :)

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