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Ever think maybe your not cut out for this...


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I'm starting to think after 13 some odd years that maybe im not cut out for playing guitar and making music. All my songs feel dull, my playing sucks and my guitar sounds like {censored}. I'll come up with something and then someone will hand me something that's even better and I start back at square one.

haha, that just proves you're a guitar player. :D

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Sure I know the feeling. My take is that it really doesn't matter if I don't make it to virtuoso levels or write unforgettable music, I can serve the music on my own level. The world of music is big enough for the lot of us, regardless of skill or ambition. It's the way, not the goal, that's important.



That is a nice way to look at it. The important thing is that you get joy from your music.

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I love playing and will never quit, but yeah, I'm very discouraged by my songwriting and playing talent.



I think it is natural for one to want to improve and to have goals. Sometimes one can be discouraged, but you've got to keep enjoying your music for its own sake. Hell, I create my music and post it on my website for one person - me! People in these very forums have told me I have no talent - but I really do not care. It is my hobby and it brings me joy:thu:

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Thanx for the replies guys. I just started to feel burnt out. Writing songs is rediciliously frustrating. Part of it is because im so hard on myself, because i want to write good songs, then a friend of mine will write something incredibly good, and im both inspired and bummed at the same time because i just don't think my song can hang. it's like learning to play all over again.

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I don't think anyone is saying "revel in mediocrity". However, this isn't supposed to be "work". If it isn't fun- then whats the point? Sure, we all get frustrated and aspire to be the next Hendrix. However, you should be playing for you and realize that there will always be someone better. Very few people ever become part of the Elite- but nobody is saying not to try if that's what you aspire to.

It's up to you. Guitar is like allot of things in Life- you get back what you put into it. I don't have 5-6 hours a day to practice- I'm lucky if I get 20 minutes a day. I'll always be mediocre and I am OK with that.


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