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Fender MIA Standard or Deluxe Tele


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I've been seeing some pretty decent deals on used MIA Standard and Deluxe Teles on CL lately. I found an MIA Standard for $700 and a deluxe for $900. Both are 2004. Which one should I go for?


As some of you may know I have a 2008 MIM Standard. Now I have tele fever!


Thanks :thu:


BTW not enough savings right now to go for both. Wish I could!

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Go to a store and play both to see which you like better. They're kind of similar but different beasts. The noiseless pups on the Deluxe won't have the same amount of twang as on a Standard. I also think the necks might be a bit different, but I'm not certain. Overall, the Deluxe is going to have a somewhat different vibe. Personally, I like the noiseless pickups, the ash body, the tummy cut and the binding.

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I've been seeing some pretty decent deals on used MIA Standard and Deluxe Teles on CL lately. I found an MIA Standard for $700 and a deluxe for $900. Both are 2004. Which one should I go for?

As some of you may know I have a 2008 MIM Standard. Now I have tele fever!


BTW not enough savings right now to go for both. Wish I could!

Even without the noiseless pickups the Deluxes are better guitars. But I bet you won't change them. They are pretty close to the corksniffer higher class pickups, just silent. (I have those corksniffer pus too :-)

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Went through the same thing as you; had the MIM which I liked a lot, needed some cash real quick so I flipped it...realized I screwed up and I got the Deluxe this month.

My MIM had been tweaked and upgraded with the SCN's, a 4-way switch, new pickguard and some other things, but the Deluxe is clearly a superior guitar through and through. I kind of tempered my exuberance the first week or two because I knew that it was HNGD bias, but it really is a fantastic instrument.

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