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    The Burgh

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  1. Gender A is always going to look for attributes in Gender B qhich they find attractive. Period. As long as Gender A's opinions are taken en masse, and individuals are held up as examples of those attributes, then a significant number of Gender B's population will 'feel the pressure' to be like that example. It does go both ways, and the phenomanon is not limited to our culture. It will probably always be this way, as long as we are social animals. To blame one gender for something that both do is myopic at best. This guy.
  2. If I finish this engineering degree, the median salary for Lehigh grads is 65-70k/yr depending on what type of engineer you are. I'm majoring in Industrial, but don't remember where IE falls in the spectrum. Median mid-career salary (approx. age 40) is like $120k.
  3. I have never tried one or seen one. Not even sure what type of pedal it is. What does it do and why is it so expensive? It's an overdrive pedal that lawyers and other bedroom-wanking middle-aged men use to enhance their tone. It's just a solid overdrive pedal, they cost so much because there are so few of them in existence: a phenomenon known as hype.
  4. For you: Handpainted Pigtronix Polysaturator Ibanez TS9DX EHX SMMH Ibanez FL9 Arion SCH-Z Boss DS-1 All pedals also for sale For me: Cash Tonebender Distortron Mastotron Other Fuzz Headrush E2 GOOSE FUZZ?!
  5. For you: Handpainted Pigtronix Polysaturator Ibanez TS9DX EHX SMMH Ibanez FL9 Arion SCH-Z Boss DS-1 For me: Cash Tonebender Distortron Mastotron Other Fuzz Headrush E2 GOOSE FUZZ?!
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