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The Vox V806 treble booster...

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...it really surprised me. I had seen them around for years - those inline plug-in "effects" that Vox used to make, but I had never tried the treble booster. Out of the blue one day I decided to build one to see how it compared to a more typical Rangemaster style treble booster. So I bought a kit from GGG and put it together - since the thread would be worthless without pics, here's a couple of the finished pedal:








(Yes, the kit comes with a battery clip, but I didn't bother installing it since I always use external power supplies.)




I don't know what I was expecting but I have to say it really is a cool boost. Super-easy build too, so props to GGG on the quality of the kit.


Have any of you ever tried a V806 before? What did you think of it?



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