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Blood on my drumkit!


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So I played a gig last night and let a kid who plays in the band before us play on my kit. Well, it turns out that halfway through the first song, he busted his finger on the snare rim and proceeded to play that way for a whole set. I get up there and I'm like jesus christ what happened? There's blood drops on all the heads and 2 of the cymbals. :facepalm::facepalm:


And this is why I hate letting people use my kit!:mad:

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Surely he didn't go a whole set without noticing.. That's nasty..



Trust me, I once started bleeding after I caught a cymbal the wrong way, I didn't feel the pain, but I sure as hell noticed the splotches on the white heads really quick.

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This is the same as having him jackoff all over your kit.


oh....so jackoff on the kit is a no go....and here I was all these years.....:lol:


seriously though, it's a bit a of a nuisance, but not life threatening as long as your cautious and don't go rubbing your own open wound in it...but yes, not nice.

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Start keeping a spit bucket next to your kit, like Chad Smith.. If they mess up your kit, dump it on their heads lol...

That's so gross don't know why that popped into my head.. Must be the fever...


quick...cold face cloth. :lol: (for the fever)

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