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Everything posted by dcooper830

  1. I remember dc went from the stock to Duncan stack P-90s of some sort (an actual HB design to sound like a P-90) and I remember liking the stock better. He's posted the clips above. So don't go with dc!!! :D If you decide to change, stick with some noise and get some Lollars or Vintage Vibe. Yeah the stock P90s in the guitar were a little warmer, a little phatter than the STK-P1 Duncans.... and some Lollars or something like that might be a better way to go. But I'm still very happy with the STK P1s. They have a cool tone all their own, and they have just the right touch of this pristine clean high end that I just LOVE! And.... at gigs.... other guitar players come up to me and say "Man! Those P90s sound great dude!! I love P90s!!" LOL!!
  2. :thu:Nothing about my Epiphone goldtop p90 feels or sounds cheap!! I love this {censored}er!!!...so does my ol Gibby tube amp too!! Oh yeah!!!! My Epi 56 Goldtop is primo!! Nothing cheap feeling about it!! And the stock pickups sounded great. The only reason I replaced them is cause they were too noisy and microphonic.
  3. I have an Epi LP standard from the new Chinese factory and I think it's an excellent guitar. It doesn't feel cheap and it sounds wonderful. I own quite a few high end guitars. But I love this Epi LP. Here's a clip of my Epi. http://www.norcalguitars.com/clips/Smooth-the-Rough-BG.mp3 That clip sounds like a million friggin' dollars!! Sweet neck pickup tone with good bite to it!! I assume thats one of your pickups you made? I'm gonna have to place an order with you soon! I think a set of your pickups would really be a boost for my Epi Dot Studio which allready sounds quite good. Also I would like to add: I went to my local Gibson/Epiphone dealer music store yesterday and tried out some Les Pauls and 335/Dots. And all these guitars made me :love: !!!!!!!!!!! Epiphones and Gibsons included!! I don't think the Epiphones felt cheap at all. They were right up there with the Gibsons as far as I could tell. The Gibsons had a little extra sumpn sumpn I can't really put my finger on...... But the Epis were fantastic!! I do hate the fact that they have the action so high on guitars from the factory. It makes it a little hard to tell..... but I can still tell. Some of these Epiphones played so nice and were so gorgeous!! I could have had 3 of 'em..... with hardshell case for about $1600. Or one Gibson for about $2000. They had a Cherry Sunburst, Trans Amber, and a Trans Blue Epi LP Standard in there....... which were DYNAMITE!! I could have easily walked out with all 3 if I wanted to!! But I resisted. There was also a Gibson BFG I tried which was EXCELLENT!!! There was a black Gibson LP Standard which was really nice, but the neck was a little too thin...... it felt kinda weird. There was a Gibson Les Paul Studio deluxe in natural that didn't play so nice.... but the action was pretty high on it so it was hard to tell. I bet after a setup it would have been sweet. There was a few faded Epi SGs that were really nice.... but the neck seemed thicker than the body which was kinda weird. I tried some Epi DOT Studios and they were all consistent with the nice chunky neck and fairly flat radius .... just like the one I own, and they were sweet! I keep thinking about those three Epi LP Standards I tried. They were GREAT!!!!!!!! I must resist!
  4. The frets are totally different, dude. I could tell in 2 seconds if I was playing a USA Gibson or a MIC/MIK Epiphone simply by running my hand across the fretboard. I much prefer the taller Gibson frets to the low, rounded Epi frets. Not to mention the difference in feel between poly and nitro on the neck. To say one couldn't tell with the difference with their eyes closed is simply incorrect. As you may know..... I have a few Epiphones and, yes they all do have the smaller frets. But this one I have....... my trans black Epi Les Paul Standard has some big jumbo frets on it. And I like it!!! I never realized it until I got that guitar how much better the taller frets feel. Not that I'll ever part with any of my other guitars... but I think that's pretty cool. Those bigger frets get it closer to a Gibson Les Paul Standard feel. I may have to re-fret all my guitars with jumbos someday! (I seriously doubt I'll ever actually do that...... ) Although..... I have a heavy fretting hand, so that can be a problem intonation-wise if I'm not careful.
  5. Mortal men simply cannot resist when they see something like this:
  6. Originally posted by SteinbergerHack How many other companies were there with the resources and capacity to bid on those contracts? How much time (and money) would have been wasted by trying to solicit bids from companies that don't exist? How many government contract bids have you ever been involved with? I'm not a big Halliburton fan, but I just can't believe that this issue keeps coming up; it's a pure red herring. The only people who fall for it are those who don't appear to understand the process for contracting these services. I don't believe that Halliburton was the ONLY company with the resources and capacity to "bid" on those contracts. And what do you mean by the time and money wasted trying to solicit bids from other companies??????? Were we THAT much in a hurry to go to war???? Don't you think this whole war is a waste of time and money???? I think it would be quite naive to think there is no connection between Dick Cheney and Halliburton being awarded multi billion dollar contracts. The Iraq war was being planned out LONG before 9-11. Paul Wolfowitz had written a lengthy report back in 1993 on why it would be necessary to invade Iraq.
  7. Originally posted by BOOGIE666 fry Michael Moore fry, you fat bastard who made millions off of lies and mis leading information. Speaking of (Bush administration) misleading (Bush administration) information. And how many BILLION did Dick Cheney's old company Halliburton make off of no-bid contracts in Iraq?
  8. I hate the Iraq war. It was wrong to invade IMO. I watched Farenhiet 911 and I really enjoyed it and totally agreed with the premise. However....... I think if Micheal Moore had any decency he would own up to the fact that what he did was wrong. To quote someone out of context like that in a movie that made millions of dollars.... Micheal Moore should come out and say that what he did was wrong and compensate the injured veteran an appropriate amount.
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