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Everything posted by Andrew_Sandshrew

  1. A quick background on the setup: -2 Noiseless, Soap Bar P90s -1 250K Tone Pot W/ 022uf, 200v Capacitor -1 500K Volume Pot -3-Way Blade/Lever-style Switch This is my parts-caster that I started two years ago. I absolutely love the sound of P90 pickups, so I got a pair of Kent Armstrong Stealth P90s for a reasonable price, along with everything listed above to create a simple setup. Being noiseless, they are wired similar to humbuckers, which I have never installed, and being an obscure setup, it took me hours of researching and testing until everything functioned properly. A few days ago, I decided to reroute the wiring and re-soldering the joints as my abilities have improved since then. After rewiring and re-soldering, neither the Tone and Volume pots are functioning as they had before: the Volume has almost no sound when rolled to about 8, and the Tone is pretty much unnoticeable even when rolled to 0. The switch and pickups are all functioning properly. One possible issue is, I broke the #1 rule of wiring 101: I DIDN'T TAKE A PICTURE OF THE WIRING BEFORE DE-SOLDERING! I ended up following a 2 Humbucks, 1 Vol, 1 Tone, 3-Switch wiring diagram, but I had to make some educated guesses to the wiring. Could it be improper wiring? Are the Pots damaged or need to be cleaned? I will share a link to a public Google Drive Folder with a picture of the guitar, the wiring, and diagram below: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vie4ofUOcbcyy6mvPhtzp1uTM8EcUi4p If anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it. This is currently my favorite guitar, and I desperately need it to play shows and record.
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