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  1. Hi, I could really do with some advice. I have been with the same band for over 5 years now (I am the lead singer and play keys). Everytime I voice my concerns and say we need to gig (we currently do one charity gig a year) or open mics it starts off okay, but then grinds to a halt (half the band do not organise anything and I seem to be the one sorting out the band page/Facebook). To cut a long story short there have been various disagreements, recently with the guitarist and myself, including the guitarist walking off and leaving the rest of the band in the lurch one evening at an open mic is justo me example ( I tried to speak with the guitarist but it went down like a lead balloon), for the past two months when I have tried to leave, the drummer and bassist have put doubts into my head. However, I no longer have passion for the band and to be honest am fed up with practicing week after week for one charity gig a year. How do I leave? I keep trying to think of ways to say it but can't seem to have the courage to do it. I have written some of the material and would hate that to be still used within the band, but if it came to it I could. I feel very torn, any ideas? Thanks
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