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Everything posted by guitargo25

  1. I really don't know much about speaker and don't plan on learning either, I won't use them much nor for any producing, I use $150 KRK KNS 8402 neutral monitoring headphones %99 of the time but once in a while I'd like to play my synths, electric guitar, drums and just youtube music through speakers. So, I don't really care about the clarity monitors create, but I'm open to any monitors or just bookshelf speakers if they'd give a better value overall considering I don't need crystal clear monitoring audio. The room is 12x12', I want 5" speakers for decent bass (not too much), not 3" or something. Plug-and-play without needing any amp or other powering part or subwoofer. I have a ~$60 USB audio Interface Roland Duo capture with 1/4" Phones jack and 1/8" line out, plus the output on my PC motherboard. I don't need bluetooth or wireless. I want them pretty loud so I can hear them with the door open if cleaning downstairs or showering in the other room. These are just $174 shipped, any good? I know bD barely raises if you compare something like 200W to 400W but I jsut want loud and decent quality overall and even if I can get decent for $100 bookshelf speakers I might just buy them considering I won't use them often. (2) Rockville DPM5B Dual Powered 5.25" 300 Watt Active Studio Monitor Speakers https://www.ebay.com/itm/352739502169?hash=item5220e9a859:g:iTYAAOSw2dtjx9Nj:sc:ShippingMethodStandard!08831!US!-1&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8PBdLPOfyn43Y2We0PtXaIEu19RNbYDs1d3bcYqHBZykH%2B%2F7EahH4zNorI52kYgo5wXM3o%2B2Sf0osGvgTBLDnn9sTUPd9q0h2JL0RH8RVzA8DRqAE2LToTHiS4NA9Ydlf8zDSSaty2Swe2NDDNguO8xO2fDdzpsCz8SO5sNKMzJHD8kEeupZ1T03cSsw3S5mSrUbLG%2BcxQWMr8zu8Q7pyStyWngwx2MKaAGl4rbGYvHCH8qfBa3W5E1ekPuokiy8%2FCmzZd6v0unbmc13f7FGoeOdRkbVgrDXHAoNArUl7ABbW16OPISyVWrQPK6p1W4pDg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBMxLjBzPdh I'd like to get from ebay and use paypal balance, so here's options for powered active studio monitors $122-$212 and then powered active bookshelf speakers $66-$212 I don't know how much I trust used speakers because I've seen a bunch on facebook market that are blown, yet I've never had a problem blowing any headphones in the past 15 years despite full volume but I know speakers are different esp if people are feeding them with an amp or something. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=active+powered+studio+monitors+-3.5"&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_udlo=122&_udhi=212&_sop=15 https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=active+powered+bookshelf+speakers+-3.5"&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_udlo=122&_odkw=active+powered+studio+monitors+-3.5"&_osacat=0&_sop=15&_udhi=212 Again, mostly I just want the loudest I can get for my budget without it sounding like junk and I don't need it crystal clear so maybe bookshelfs are my better choice. Pick what you would buy , thanks
  2. thanks, so it's bellows,and before them, water cisterns to control wind pressure. But did I imagine seeing something with like a weighted bag on a pulley slowly dropping that I was assuming was cranking a gear to produce wind?
  3. like the big cathedral pipe organs from like 1600s or something, now there's a motor that blows air but I think I saw something where like one person raises a weight on a pulley and it slowly drops and turns a gear of a fan or something and that that person needs to always have the weight moving or alternates between two of them or something? I may be wrong. There's also water ones from like ancient rome where one person cranks a handle that moves water through a gear or something. I tried searching youtube but gave up.
  4. I got the swift blue one, that's the one I wanted and the only one I could find in stock as New factory-direct, would liked to have supported the local'ish Sam Ash/Guitar Center but they don't have it there and seems odd to drive there to order it through their computer also I wanted to order it ASAP because it's backordered everywhere else, apparently very popular guitar. White, black and yellow are backordered or ships from a store 'we check condition of the item before sending it out' it says for some colors instead of Factor-sealed would be much better. I heard back from the rep about if the pickups are wax coated etc. I don't know if he'll message back about that like he said but maybe I can have a look-see when mine arrives in a few days. Hi //Are the pickups wax coated for least amount of static hum? Is there any need to copper shield the cavities// The cavity is shielded. But I don't have anything confirming that the pickups are wax coated. I'll get back to you on this one (not sure yet) //If the High Pass Filter isn't engaged, is it the same audio quality sound pickups as if the guitar didn't have a High Pass Filter installed at all// Yes. It's merely an EQ that lowers some bottom frequencies. This is meant t= o=A0 emulate a single coil pickup sound.=A0 //What actual Alnico Vs are these? because it says VH3n and VH3b but I can'= t find any info on them// VH3n (neck) and VH3b (bridge) are proprietary Yamaha pickups
  5. I had ~$200 studio monitors back in 2005 but didn't I use 'em much and sold 'em. I think they were 5" woofers and were plenty loud for me and I guess the bass sounded fine. What I gather is if you want to hear good bass you need at least 8" but 5-8" is also decent. I thought bigger woofers were basically for more volume but it makes sense you'll hear bass better with a bigger throbbing speaker. But I'm not crazy about bass all the time, my car stereo I have the treble up all the way and the bass down except if a certain song comes on. In mixes or playing along with stuff I sometimes think bass can make things muddy, but I guess anything under 8" isn't going to sound muddy like a rattling trunk car system from the 1990's, and should be fine for me and for loudness I'll just resist the urge to blast them and annoy the neighbors if I end up with 8" which may get louder than I even need. I'm seeing new mackie 5" on ebay for just $180 shipped, behringer for $170, and even Alesis for $120 5", but open to buying used on ebay if can get something between 5-8". I'm also considering Bookshelf Speakers I just learned about, if they're a better deal for me I'm ok with them being slightly less representative of the true audio. If I find a good local deal on facebook/craigslist I'll buy it but I'm not going to wait around and hope to find something that pops up, nor drive farther than it's worth. 12x12 room, room doesn't have any acoustic padding or anything besides double thick window drapes. I want it for listening to youtube music, and playing things through the computer USB interface like electric guitar, electric drums, synths and listening to loops/tracks with a DAW fruityloops. Suggestions for a pair of 8"s I can find new/used for around $200 or maybe Bookshelf Speakers? thanks
  6. I made 4 posts about this, sorry to bump all of them with this same reply but maybe it'll help others searching similar terms later one for an entry level, neutral tone and look and humbuckers so that it's not noisy especially when plugged into a computer w studio monitors/headphones. I wasn't going to get anything with coil split my own theory was that the slight effort, materials, and time they spend to add split/tap may reduce tone/quality of same-priced humbuckers that don't have tap/split. And if I want Single coil tone I'd be happier with just a cheap SSS strat as long as the neck is 12" radius and not 9.5" personally I feel I can scale and shred and even chord easier with the flatter neck, I felt it right away on cheap les pauls in the store even when not having picked up a guitar in years they felt much easier to play. I decided on Yamaha Revstar Element even though it has sort of a coil tap/split feature in the high pass filter, whatever, and if I can get away with less clutter and gear than feeling the need for a 2nd SSS guitar for less canned humbucker tones then that's fine, everything I sort of really like about this guitar, except I'm hoping it's not too loud acoustically so others don't hear me playing as easily but it's probably not much louder than a sold mahogany or something. I noted this for myself later: If you feel need to upgrade from Revstar, basically $1,000 range gives you better pickups (want something neutral though not 'hot' or bite etc meant more for rock, don't want coil split because may take away from quality/tone when not using and if really want Single Coil sound I'd be happier with just a $500 SSS as long as neck radius is 12 and not 9.5") want pickups covers if humbuckers because it slightly reduces hum, locking tuners and I think I prefer 3 on each side of head seems less likely to pop out of nut or tree, don't need locking nut like Floyd is a PITA to undo and I'm ok w being slightly out of tune and sometimes like taking a break to tune, fixed neck like revstar allegedly sustains better but cheaply done isn't better and I think bolt-on may be better in case it breaks or something can replace or if play it forever and need refretting etc would be easier to just replace a bolt-on/ 12" radius not 9.5" I could tell in store easily felt much better to play 12". Stainless frets and hardware not coated, some pricier guitars have more stable neck inserts etc, wood type I don't think I really care much about sustain etc pus prefer something lighter to swing around easier, don't want any selector switch above neck pickup or below bridge pickup may hit finger when strumming same with les paul type angled pickguard although seems nice to rest pinky on could whack finger on it, want only dot inlays, want only cord plugs into bottom not front, want non floyd rose/tremolo because there's noticeable difference in tone in youtube comparing and is more stable and sustaining when fixed bridge/string through and I can use FX pedal to pitch bend although may sound very digital am ok w that, do prefer 22 frets although can use finger nail and basically go well beyond 22, color under strings doesn't matter even if distracting design because can glue/screw a cut piece of white pickguard under there. Prefer quick tone changing knobs/switch instead of having to long-roll a smooth dial. Don't' get white color because smoke or even vape or incense or sun or cooking etc may make it look dirty, same w black might look dirty. The back neck of revstar satin plastic'y is praised for speed and maybe if sweaty won't catch as easily as wood but either way should be fine.
  7. https://www.guitarcenter.com/Yamaha/Revstar-Element-RSE20-Chambered-Electric-Guitar.gc?rNtt=rse20&index=2 https://usa.yamaha.com/products/musical_instruments/guitars_basses/el_guitars/rs_2022/specs.html Hi, the Revstar Element RSE20: Are the pickups wax coated to reduce static hum? Is there any need to copper shield the cavities, I saw a video review he shows the covers ARE tack soldered to the pickup housing so hopefully this reduces noise. If the High Pass Filter isn't engaged, is it the same audio quality sound pickups as if the guitar didn't have a High Pass Filter installed at all - In other words, if I never use the Filter, would there be a slightly better tone/quality of the same pickups without the Filter involved? What actual Alnico V are these? because it says VH3n and VH3b but I can't find any info on them. Thanks. Personally I think the parallel stripes under the string area may distract some users and I might glue/screw a piece of cut white pickguard material to get a better view of the strings.
  8. I thought I found what I was looking for in the $450 Squier Classic Vibe '70s Telecaster Deluxe but it has a 9.5" Radius and I really prefer 12", I just learned about radius but knew I preferred the feel of the $300-$800 Les Pauls I played in the store even though I tried to measure the width etc they seemed the same but then I went home and learned about the radius slight difference. I had a cheap $100 Squier SSS 9.5" radius I played years ago but I prefer a more flat neck 12". I'm still undecided if I want coil split/tap - the more I read about it the more I'd rather just get a ~$500 12" radius SSS for those tones, but I lean more towards it not having split/tap, but I like the idea of having just one guitar but I'm hoping if it does have split/tap that it wouldn't take away form quality/tone of similarly-priced humbuckers that don't have split/tap. Some are saying it doesn't hurt if you don't use it but I'd think that the time/materials it takes to add coil split/tap that for the same price a non-split/tap might have slightly better metals etc. I'm looking for covered humbuckers, and hopefully that means they're soldered to the housing for slightly less hum, I know this takes away from top end/twang but I'm ok with that, and I do hear a difference in comparison videos of hum of covered vs uncovered Humbuckers. I want very low noise because plugging into the USB audio interface I always got a ton of noise with the unshielded SSS which is to be expected but I really want least noise possible. I know grounds, lighting etc can matter but one thing at a time. Body style and pickup tone I'm looking for something neutral for all genres from jazz/blues to heavy metal. I'm looking for dot inlays. I'd just get a ~$550 Les paul with or without coil split/tap but a) not dot inlays, b) they really are quite heavy and I'm very able-bodied but I like to move around a lot etc when playing and hold the guitar in all types of positions c) sometimes I strum aggressively near the neck and even just testing in the store I hit my finger a bit on the top toggle switch, same with the Les Paul angled pickguard but I can remove that. I'm looking for solid black or white under the strings near the pickups so I can see the strings better. I'm not sure if white or black is easier to see but I'll check in store. I guess black because strings are basically silver color and should pop better over black than white but the neck I'm ok with a light wood. Much prefer the cable doesn't attach to the front, straight-in, on an angle like a Strat if fine or on the underside. Much prefer there's no toggle switch below the bridge pickup where I could hit that too strumming wind and aggressive. Want no tremolo bridge, I'll use my Boss ME-80 pedal to pitch bend that much if need be, I know it may sound tacky but that's fine, I want fixed bridge or hardtail etc. 22 frets prefer and a sort of a shorter scale length although I know this takes away from tone and from all the other criteria I don't want it sounding too canned but I like to rip solos, classical etc easier, so a smaller neck/frets might help. I'm about to search all the sites now but asking if maybe anyone has suggestions. I don't think I really need it to be more towards the $1,000 level, I'm just not that serious of a guitarist and feel some of this is placebo affect. Looking for new and not used. thank you
  9. sorry long posts, probably the last one! I'm back from testing for about an hour at Guitar Center. Yes in YouTube nit-picky videos I can hear a difference between covered/uncovered Humbuckers, between H and S neck/bridge, etc, But to be honest when I play at the store it's hard to hear any difference between even a strat SSS or an HH (of course something like a clean neck H will sound quite different than a clean bridge S though) but in general it's basically all electric guitar to me, I tend to play with a lot of FX too and distortion, but what you don't know doesn't hurt you and now I know all this stuff about HH vs SSS and although half of me really wants just one nice ~$1,000 guitar that can sort of cover HH and SSS with coil split etc, another part of me learned on (I was half decent) a cheap $100 squier SSS, and although I pretty much hated the S bridge pickup especially clean and no reverb/delay, again, what I didn't know didn't hurt me because I recently learned so much was written with that pickup and I always thought almost everything on a SSS was played with just the neck S, ESPECIALLY distortion solos, but Pink Floyd used the bridge S a lot, lots of other solos and tracks like Sultans of Swing (I can understand this one has that clean twang), so I feel limiting if I don't get both because personally I preferred the neck S and don't want to omit that so either way I can't have it all unless I get both an HH and SSS, or if I just say F it and get one guitar for around $1,000 that can coil split etc. I also love that canned sorta mellow blues tone and the look of a semi hollow. But, as much as I don't want neighbors or something if my windows are open hearing just the volume given from a semi-hollow as if it's an acoustic and me using headphones, (I get distracted like this when people can hear nowadays, despite back in the day before having a computer basically all I had was and amp and boombox I'd rage along with disco biscuits CDs etc so loud with windows open all day when home alone if I didn't have college classes that day, not giving a F, loud as it gets and shredding like an absolute maniac to the tune of where I thought someone would call the cops on me or something lol or I'd feel almost embarrassed to walk outside after lol, I still REALLY want a semi hollow HH for just blues/jazz/classical. Today I played and loved the affordable $599 Epiphone ES 335 and that's good enough for that part of me that wants a hollow body and whatever about the neighbors etc even if it's hot and want windows open. As for dots and block inlays, it's really not as difficult as I thought, I agree though the first fret having a block can be distracting but overall it's not too hard but I still lean towards dots. Another thing is action is a huge deal to me and I think I want easy-shredding action in a hybrid HH/SSS coil split more-so than having a separate HH and SSS that doesn't feel as good. I'm still confused about action and circumference etc. I do have large hands, wear large gloves etc, wonce I get my skills back up I can stretch my fingers to odd configurations etc but I'm not sure if I want something with a smaller tighter neck or the Fender Player's-series neck which actually seemed big to be today, or I'm not sure, I just know there's some Les Paul I played at sam ash a couple weeks ago that felt small and easy but the ones in GC today didn't feel the same. They didn't have the HH tele at Guitar Center today I was mostly interested in but the guy said if it's player-series it should have about the same neck as the ~$700 SSS stratocaster player's-series. The angled pickguard on les pauls I can do without, might even remove it if I end up with a LP, yes I rest my pinkie on the body, in 1994 my teacher said don't do that but I still did always and someone here said the same thing but Barber from disco biscuits I've seen do that too so I'm fine with that. But it's not as if I can rest my whole side of hand on this angled pickguard like I was thinking would be better for picking, and I might just remove it so I don't knock my finger on it strumming hard. I think for now I'm just gonna impulse-buy a semi hollow HH with dots and just start playing again, because I know no matter what I'll always want one of them regardless of anything else I'm trying to figure out, maybe that es335 or even something cheaper. Then I'll get my set up going again with a better USB interface, BOSS me-80 FX processor, and then I can either rent or buy used (and resell for around same price if don't like it) the other SSS or HH or hybrid/coil splitting solid body guitars - that's the only way to do it I think is really bring it home and get the feel and ear for it with my set-up, I've done this with many synthesizers actually, youtube demos etc are nothing like spending real time with the synth and deciding if it's a keeper for me. I'd love to have a slew of guitars, three $1,000 guitars is nothing over time in terms of cost but I just don't have much room for them plus I'm sort of partial to the idea of having just one guitar to grab (or two including the semi hollow). the end.
  10. The yamaha revstar I have bookmarked but unsure if the high pass filter which in my mind I won't need if I get an SSS also takes away value from the pickup quality if they didn't have that feature.HH TELEcaster I'm very interested in , others suggested it, initially I glanced over it thinking a Tele was a Tele and why did it even come up in my HH search?! but now I'm thinking it might be about exactly what I'm looking for minus the pickguard but I could retro fit that.The $800-range Player one I just don't like that black switch is right under the bridge pickup where I might knock it w my finger.the action sounds promising too. I played some ~$700 strat and a ~$50 Les Paul and the action and everything felt amazing compared to the ~$150 Squier Strat clone I had before.slim and comfortable “C”-shaped neck profile with an easy-playing 9.5”-radius fingerboard and narrow-tall frets, as well as a vintage-style Telecaster bridge with a string-through-body design and individual steel saddles for precise adjustment.It seems like a drastic difference that I think others are like 3" more circumference but those might boast about easy playability too. I have to check in store again what I prefer.The humbuckers being covered and likely soldered on the HH tele means no need for shielding for least-hum?The pickups are a neutral tone and decent quality? but I see there's a 70's style for $450 and a regular for $275, I'd want the more expensive one notes Alnico humbuckers but maybe they're geared towards 70's/vintage tone/jazz but the cheaper one might not be better, just says fender humbuckers no name. I did hear side by side video that shows covered humbuckers were quieter, less tonal options maybe, but quieter/canned and I'm going with that for my HH solid body, and the second guitar SSS even shielded will give me all the other sharper/bell tones.
  11. I'm looking for new, something neutral body style and sound for anything from jazz/blues to heavy metal to electronic, Something like a Les Paul I think looks neutral for any style of music. But I don't think I can bring myself to purchase something without regular dot fret inlays, and basically no Les Pauls have dots, I'm too accustomed to dots, IMHO this should be standardized and it's way worse than something like playing a regular piano for your whole life then having to play something with reverse color keys or mini keys or something. I know many people get used to it but I'm pretty much set on dots even though a Les Paul might have most of the criteria I'm looking for. For ~$700 I think an HH would have 2 better pickups than an HSH. I'm getting a ~$700 SSS Strat too. All the reading I did on coil splitting, tapping, knob-pull filters for more bite/twang etc, I still think I'll prefer a dedicated SSS Strat for that side of the spectrum and the covered HH for the other (AND I might be tempted to one day get a semi hollow body HH for blues/jazz etc but that's not definite). Besides an HH likely having 2 better pickups when omitting the third 3 middle S in the same price range, I think the pickups that don't multi-task split/tapping/filters etc would have better overall quality/tone. I want covered HH pickups because I want the least noise especially for plugging into PC USB interface my old ~$175 unshielded SSS Strat-clone was very noisy (my new SSS will get shielding), and I know HH will still be much quieter than an SSS at the cost of less twang/bite, but YouTube comparisons between covered and uncovered HHs show they're quieter when shielded. I read if HHs are covered then there's no need to shield the cavity, is this correct? As long as the covers are soldered/grounded to the pickup housing, and basically every covered HH comes grounded like this from the factory? I saw some guy on YouTube use bathtub caulk lol just to hold retro-fitted covers in place and many commented that he didn't ground it for less noise. I don't need tremolo because I don't use that much and it can cause tone and tuning changes, I want fixed bridge, hardtail or string-through. I want a main brand in case I need to replace a bridge or pickup or knob or something later on, but I searched all the HH options in this price range on Musician's Friend, Sam Ash, and Sweetwater but didn't really see anything that fits my whole criteria. I like the Les Paul angled pickguard as a hand rest for picking, but since I'm likely not getting a Les Paul because of the block/trapezoid fret inlays, I'm thinking I can still retrofit an aftermarket one to most guitars even though it has a metal bracket which is supposed to hook to the bottom of the guitar I can likely omit it, and shim the lower area with a screw propped up with a spacer underneath the pickguard, I'll drill a few holes for screws, maybe even metal female thread-inserts so the threads stay good because I'll likely be using it just as much with the angled pickguard removed because I sometimes like to strum fast and aggressive and don't want to knock my fingers on the angle pickguard's bottom edge, nor the upper tone switch on Les Pauls above the neck where I sometimes strum aggressively. There a PickNPro hand rest for acoustics that straps around the body and basically hovers over the strings near the bridge but then I'd loose the tone of picking/strumming near the bridge which I like. One last thing I'd like a solid black or white or something light/dark colored so I can see the strings easiest, preferably light/white. thanks for any input.
  12. First track Mr Don starting around 6:20 mark And then around 14:45. https://archive.org/details/db2000-04-21.flac16/db2000-04-21d1t02.flac I'm just talking about the tone in general. I know he's playing some harmonics here and there and not specifically wondering about that, just more like if the soundboard has him EQ'd a certain way, lots of reverb, I hear some delay, chorus etc, his monitor amp, house speakers (is a small venue room, low ceiling, speakers likely nothing too special), if pickup tones are rolled down or up? He's playing a semi hollow body Gibson ES-135 which I guess has the stock 2 P-100 pickups (stacked humbuckers with P-90 covers). Side note, the synthesizer is a Roland JP-8000. Would it be pretty easy to make this tone with something like a solid body ~$600 HH les paul with a BOSS ME-80 multi FX board?
  13. that's exactly what I was thinking when I read people sort of complain about the middle pickup of an HSH getting in the way, it never bothered me with the SSS. But they also said if you omit the S in an HSH, then the HH of that is different than a plain HH, which could be false. Well I went to guitar center today and still can't hear much night and day difference between an SSS and an HH even a hollow body HH. Others are suggesting the same that it's better to get 1 $1,000 hybrid guitar then a $500 SSS and a $500 HH, I don't really want used either. I played a $650 stratocaster and the action, the neck curvature, it just felt so good in the hands that I was leaning towards that compared to the action (which can be adjusted though) and neck feel of the ~$500 HH solid bodys I played, but also I love that clean blues sound usually done with HH semi/hollow body but that could have a lot to with amp, effects etc too. Really I think I need to bring either a decent SSS or HH home and really get into it day after day and then get the other and the differences should show. If I have to sell one or the other and upgrade and take a loss that's fine too.
  14. I went to guitar center today in NJ and was at Sam Ash a few days ago, haven't been to either in a long time, keyboard room IMHO used to be a lot better at sam ash, more knobby analog type boards, barely had anything this time except lots of 'stage pianos' and no workstation ROMplers. Guitar section seems better than GC's though, a bit wider selection (no duplicate guitars in different colors and not so many $150 guitars but those seem to sell a lot at GC), but also almost every single guitar at GC within reach was totally out of tune, I went to the acoustic guitar room hoping to find just a low-E to keep in my mine to start tuning from but those were all out of tune too, workers sitting around chatting/jamming, had to use my phone for a tuning video. GC keyboard room was nicer though, more analog stuff and more modern workstations. It seems GC is doing well with lessons though so that's good.
  15. ok it turns out I'll likely get both an SSS and HH (or HSH, still have to research that seem HSH would only give more tone but some are saying it's not that simple plus the middle S can get in the way of picking). Both will be around $500. It's very common for players to have both an SSS and HH. Also read "Jazz is almost exclusively played with a neck humbucker with the tone rolled down fyi" So yes like I asked, you can only have one or the other near the neck and this can greatly affect tone and I preferred S near the neck but also want blues/jazz tones. I like les paul style HHs, the idea of a fingerboard, I remember getting some lessons from my brother's teacher back in like 1994 he kept telling me not to rest my pinkie on the guitar (w/o a fingerboard) but I see my favorite player The Barber from disco biscuits does this but his also has a fingerboard Gibson ES-135. Thing I don't like about these though is I like to strum pretty aggressively and wide sometimes, and sometimes with the pick angled a bit so it doesn't catch, and near the neck where it's less likely to catch and pop a string, I think I've knocked my finger on the neck a couple times where it sticks out about 1/4" from the body, so the fingerboard and the switch above the neck may be in the way for these strums, but I'll get used to it or something else. I read no shielding needed if HHs are encased in metal so I might look into that if available in my ~$500 range, also if the pups with covers (I like how looks at least) are different than the HHS with rods exposed.
  16. I was thinking about how guitars etc are so important to demo before buying but even with online nowadays so many people send things back risk-free then it becomes open-box discounted, and retailers are fine with that usually someone will buy it and they still make millions. Even at the store people return things after buyer remorse but with online it might be less likely for a small thing they end up not liking they might figure they already got it delivered and not to package it back up and start an online return process, possibly have to bring it to post office etc might actually end up with less returns this way lol.
  17. nowadays it seems everything is actually cheaper online even with shipping for something like a guitar. And also IMHO amazon does so well because if someone wants something it pops up with the most best reviewed items with thousands of good reviews and people just want quick choices, ok this must be a good guitar or synth, pedal etc, buys it. eBay you can find better deals and more selection but have to sift through things for hours sometimes, It seems the types to buy from brick and mortar are more detail-oriented but are the minority now? It's just so nice to be able to stroll into one of these places with no intention to buy and just test gear, often stuff I don't want to even buy or not even in the market for anything new but passing by and go in for a quick jam. I feel bad about the sales associates because they work for commissions and I barely bought anything from there over the years (I prefer somewhat older synths, 1 or 2 guitars which can last a lifetime and might have better options and price online but can test similar in stores). I used to go a lot and just buy something like a pack of picks or a cable and play with tons of pricey gear for hours sometimes. It just seems in X amount of years these places won't be making enough to stay open and that'd suck. I'd be willing to pay ~$10 every time just to go in a demo stuff that I'll likely not buy, so if everyone that went in without buying something paid $10 they'd make probably more.
  18. Skip to last paragraph for short version! From 2000-2004 I played several thousands of hours on a $100 SSS Squire Strat, a ~$60 amp, and a ~$200 (at the time) DigiTech RP-1 FX processor. Then got more into synths and PC sequencing. When I plugged the guitar to the PC with a ~$125 audiophile soundcard it was extreme static. I tried shielding the guitar cavity but likely the poor job I did made no difference and I ended up not playing much guitar. I sold the strat + amp for like $50 thinking I'd get a better guitar for the PC, I might have known at the time humbuckers were a bit quieter but also thought I wanted something a bit better like a $500 Ibanez (no idea what pickups) I played at the store seemed to have better action and feel, and looked awesome. I never got around to upgrading guitars, I just impulse bought one day around 2009 another $100 SSS strat off eBay just to have something. I sold that sort of recently for basically nothing. I don't want the tremolo bar seemed to make it go out of tune and I barely used tremolo (can sort of do with FX pedal) and I installed a floyd rose lock nut that kept giving me problems. Anyway, from youtube comparisons humbuckers aren't going to be night and day difference for static vs a strat plugged into a computer. Proper shielding is likely most important. I don't think I have any ground issue and I don't have much plugged into the PC besides monitors, keyboard, mouse, printer, USB audio interface, but even ceiling lights etc can affect static. Whatever I end up getting I'll do a proper shielding. What I didn't know didn't hurt me because I basically always played the strat with only the neck pickup i.e switch lever all the way up, I thought that sounded fullest and used most of the pickups but was wrong, and I almost never played any other setting besides the bridge pickup alone but thought bridge sounded too twangy and had to put a ton of FX on it to get it sounding how I liked. But surprisingly come to find things like Comfortably Numb solo is played with just the bridge pickup, lots of other things I'm watching youtubers and I was expecting to see more using just the neck pickup. Despite I preferred just the neck pickup, now I want to use other settings. I really want a humbucker too because although the tone won't be night or day difference vs a SSS, and I'm getting a solid body and not a semi or hollow, I really like Blues guitar which seems to be played on humbucker semi hollows. I like Surf guitar too and I thought that was semi/hollow body humbucker but read it's SSS. I like Dixieland jazz/blues Louisiana black people jazz/blues, "1997 weather channel music blues' (lol YouTube DOES have a playlist), which I thought was semi/hollow body HH but could be wrong. I thought heavy metal/ Metallica was SSS but Metallica is HH, I like like tone like Chile Peppers Under the bridge intro which is Telecaster probably more like a SSS than an HH. We like everything lol. I like to keep my gear minimal but I think I might be limiting myself if I get a hybrid i.e missing my preferred neck single coil (despite what I know now people aren't using it for basically everything) so if I get a neck single coil I might be missing a tone I prefer with a Humber at the neck, and vice versa bridge. I'm buying a Boss ME-80 fx processor might have hollow/HH etc emulator and also there's VSTs. Overall my style if I produce a track is very electronic though and the guitar isn't really the main character and it doesn't have to sound perfect in a certain way, but sometimes I also just want to jam pure guitar. It seems I should get 2 guitars, one a SSS and the other HH. To be honest, besides the static the $100 Squier Strat sounded great to me, I'd argue that even cheap technology now might be better than what they had in maybe the 60s or something but I really don't know that, just saying, some costs could be placebo affect. I wanted to buy just one guitar for like $700, went to Sam Ash the other day and played some dual humbuckers and they all sounded great and the same to me whether $250 or $700, and I couldn't even hear a difference from the SSSs I played through this amp. Guitar Center + Sam Ash rent guitars pretty cheap (maybe only used) which is good but I'm thinking I might just get another $150 SSS. I hear the mexican ones are almost as good for much less but maybe the $150-$200 ones aren't mexican. Plus a HH solid body for like $500 or heck even the $250 sounded great to me but I don't really want to always wish I spent a bit more. I'm reading the difference between pricey and cheap guitars granted there's not some total error made by the builder isn't night and day, yes the neck wood and truss rod could cause a cheaper one to go out of tune more or mess with the action and I'm very partial to the action being nice and low but not buzzing. Also pricier guitars have better hardware etc despite not trmolo bar things like that I just prefer as with anything in construction or something that it's better to overbuild than underbuild. Should I get both a cheap ~$200 SSS and cheap $200 HH guitar? Rent an HSS or HSH despite I'll likely be missing tones I really want? I'm not keen on renting though, distracting due date rushing feeling. I'm leaning towards buying a ~$500 HH and I think once I really get to play it without distraction/rush of a rental I'll be able to feel a difference between an SSS, then I can decide how much I want to spend on an SSS, or worst case scenario take a loss for the $500 selling it used and get something more $700 range and/or $700 range SSS, because I'm sure once I start reading the small details between pickups etc for better guitars I'll want to upgrade rather then feel I'm limiting myself. but I'm still wondering, as mentioned if despite a lot of songs are NOT using just the neck pickup of an SSS like I assumed and preferred that setting, will I then likely prefer to have a Humbucker at the neck too and therefore no hybrid would suit me?
  19. to me it sounds like a sound almost any analog modeling, analog synth or any synth with a filter and filter envelope can make. Filter is like a guitar wah wah pedal and can make the sound basically say 'wow' if used all the way from closed to open then back to closed in a continuous sweep/turn. The envelope of the filter basically is a few knobs/sliders/adjusters that can automatically sort of press the wah wah pedal for you in certain ways, like as soon as you press a key it can have it as if the filter is all the way open then closed and anywhere in between and can set how fast it's opened or closed, and the sound you linked to me sounds sort of a quick setting to this is some combination. Some synthesizers have cute names for the preset sounds and sometimes some call the sound you're talking about 'wasp' , there is a synth just named The Wasp but it doesn't just make this sound, again, basically any synth with a filter and filter envelope should be able to make the sound, even free software synths, just keep playing with the filter cut-off and resonance and then the filter ADSR and you might find the sound. Also there's only a few main synth waveforms which do sound quite different but I guess most synth sounds you hear are saw tooth waveform, there's also square and triangle and sine as the main 4. Sine is like sub bass that kinda just has no tone other than a deep booming bass but if used in high notes can sound like whistle, square sounds sorta like vintage nintendo 8 bit in a way, triangle sounds sorta very digital sort of bell-like or almost raspy - it depends on there's also way to modulate each waveform too and make them brighter or darker, but if you stick to a saw wave and play around with the fitler and envelope it should be good because some of the other waveforms if you modulate the pulse width etc of them too far to a certain way the sound can sorta go away or become too digital/belly/raspy etc and not really give the note/tone coming through. There's also ADSR envelopes for Amp(volume) and Pitch. Basically with Amp again it's like the envelope ADSR is pressing something for you, For amp/volume you can just manually use a volume know to the same sort of thing for example a 'pad' sound like the orchestral strings first notes of 99 luftballons is a 'pad' you can hear the volume slowly rising which is basically like setting the first slider Attack of the ADSR upwards so it slowly comes into volume. If Attack is all the way down/fast then it gives it full volume right when you press a key like a 'stab' sound like the intro to break my stride. Then there's the Release (R) at the end, again most stab sounds are set to stop making noise as soon as you let go of the key but a pad usually the R is set so it still swells away as some of the note/pad fading out. (S) Sustain is basically if you hold down the key it'll sustain the full volume of the sound / or it'll not play it as loud depending on how much sustain is set. Pitch ADSR envelope also basically can be set to sound like the pitch is sliding up or down from several Octaves, Basically if you youtube "clown whistle sound effect" that's a 1 octave pitch slide and you can set the Pitch envelope ADSR to do sort of any variation of that up or down or a combo of both and how fast it goes up/down, this (and the filter ADSR) can be set very fast hence your wasp sound doesn't sound too wah wah-like but it sounds to me there's some filter envelope play in there.
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