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Everything posted by mindbend

  1. I just stumbled on some old MMT8 files that I have on my computer. They are nearly 30 years old! I bought a used MMT8 from ebay and would love to load these files to it, but I have no idea how the heck I saved these files in the first place. I thought they might be MIDI files, but it doesn't seem like it. I added .midi as the file extension and no luck. Now I'm thinking they might be sysex. Any thoughts on how I might get these files into the MMT8? I'm on OS X. Here's a link to a couple of the files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1ttis7rdq8aiygf/AAC-G2KBdMtVt4X_XaLEVyyaa?dl=0
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