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Everything posted by EddyM

  1. I remember this show! I watched all the time growing up. It had five hosts, two girls and three guys, all mid 30ish. They would travel to one location and do different things in pairs or groups and meet back up at the end of the show. I learned so much from that show, like apartheid in South Africa, and how late the sunset in Norway. It was usually followed by Samantha Browns’ travel show afterwards. Ive tried to find clips of the show for years with now luck, and cursory research only brings up the Netflix sci-fi show by the same name. I thought I imagined it for a while when I couldn’t find anything. I can’t remember any of their names but I can hear the tune of the show in my head and I can imagine an intro with cheap pastel graphics and the hosts on on green screen images of globes. It was a great show and I can’t believe no one else knows about it!
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