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Posts posted by guitarbilly74

  1. nothing wrong with a frontman at all. it's not made for loud playing-- and even he admits it sounds alright not screamin' loud, because it does, and it sounds very much like a fender, which it is.

    mostly-- he just needs a burlier amp- and if that's what y' mean with 'better'-- i'm inclined to agree. but i've run a frontman 25 with pedals AND used the onboard dirt. does a respectable job with both, really.
    key to that amp is basically turning the treble pretty doggone low
    . i think they give you extra outrageous treble on that thing because they also give it RCA jacks to be used as for a music player to go full range. the speaker'll do it.. but it's some seriously weird mojo to have that much top with a guitar.


    This is true. You can actually get some decent tones out of the Frontman 25 if you have the treble knob really low.

  2. You should look into the Peavey Classic 50 if you need the amp's overdrive. The gain channel sounds better than the Fender, the cleans are great with more headroom and they're also cheaper if you buy it used.

  3. The main reason i can't stand my frontman is the gain channel. When playing at low volumes, it's fine, but when i'm playing at gig level and need to dial in some distortion, it sounds more like a a bunch of hoarse men being killed instead of anything remotely musical. I can never get enough bass on the drive channel either. Also, mine starts breaking up on the clean channel when i go past about 5 on the volume. Yeah, it's a fine starter/practice amp, but it just doesn't have the tone of a better quality amp, and they aren't built that well. It seems like my issue with the clean channel breaking up is fairly common, and there are plenty more known issues with them. I tried a friend's Blues DeVille 410 the other day and fell in love.

    And billy, I always thought that the Twin and Deluxe were just way up there, price-wise. Would I be looking at spending a significantly larger amount on an older, used Deluxe than on a Blues reissue from the same time period? Does the Deluxe Reverb reissue sound pretty similar to the original?


    The silverfaces are not too expensive, you can find a bunch of them for about 500-700. The Deluxe Reverb reissue sounds really good. It's impossible to say if it sounds like the original, because the originals today have years of wear in the speakers, transformers etc.. which changes the tone a bit, sometimes for the better. But they're great sounding amps nonetheless.


    I would suggest you stick with your amp for a bit longer and keep saving and looking for a good deal on one of these amps, that way you only have to upgrade ONCE and you will save money in the long run.

  4. What are your thoughts? I currently have a sucky Fender Frontman that i can't wait to drop out of a window, but unfortunately it's my only amp right now. I've been looking at all different types of Fender tube amps, and I've decided that I'm just going to prowl around on eBay and Craiglist until i see any of the following amps for a decent price: Hot Rod Deluxe iii, Hot Rod DeVille (212 or 410, doesn't matter), Blues Deluxe Reissue, or Blues DeVille reissue. Obviously, the blues reissues are going to be a better (and more expensive amp), but what do you guys prefer? What are they key differences between the amps? Anyone have experience with any of the four? Anything is appreciated, and I play mainly classic rocks, if that helps at all. thanks


    The Hot Rods are decent amp, but I don't like the overdrive channels. The cleans are really good though, especially after a speaker upgrade.


    However, there are better options out there. I would look into an older silverface Twin or Deluxe (depending how much power you need) or even a reissue Twin or Deluxe. These are much better options than the Hot Rod series.


    The Blues Deluxe series is cool, better than the Hot Rod IMHO, but I would still prefer the options above.

  5. OP: don't listen to these fuckers. They're just jealous because you will sell Fieros and they won't.

    Don't forget to offer free donuts with the purchase. It makes a difference.

    Success is now within reach.

  6. thanks for the advice guitarbilly74... what do you think of the peavey delta blues? I know its a 1x15...


    The Delta Blues is a fantastic sounding amp and it would absolutely do what you need, if you are willing to work with a 1x15.

  7. I've been pumping a lot of you guys for suggestions lately, and I'm thankful; however, every time I think I'm getting somewhere with an amp, I find something inherently wrong or disappointing with it... Which I may just have to accept, however I wanted to give this one more shot before I get out there and start playing through them all... Is there a 1x12 amp, combo or not, that does/has the following?

    1) 2 Channels

    2) Spring Reverb

    3) Vibrato

    4) Gig-able Capability (as in Class A/AB?)

    5) Doesn't sound like {censored}?

    6) Budget of up to $1000

    Thanks guys, and I really appreciate the help... This is a daunting decision for me


    It's a lot to ask for that budget. You can find some Fender amps that will do most of what you want but I supposed that when you say "2 channels" you mean clean/distortion and not "normal/vibrato" so that rules out most of the Fenders I'd recommend.


    Then you have amps like the Mesa DC-3/F-30 or Peavey Classic 30 which would do most of it, but no vibrato.


    If you really need an amp that will do it ALL and do it exceptionally well, the amp you really need is the Tone King Imperial. Look it up, I am 100% sure that would be THE amp for you. The problem is, price: $3500.


    So realistically I think you have 3 options here:


    - Get a good Fender amp (Deluxe Reverb Reissue for example) and an OD pedal.


    - Get a 2-channel amp like a Peavey Classic 30 or Mesa F-30 and a Tremolo/Vibrato pedal


    - expand your budget and look into boutique offers.

  8. Alright guys, I'm positive this has been asked before, but I've already looked through some of the forums and I can't come to a conclusion.

    Budget: $500

    Requirements: Relatively portable

    Suitable for a dorm room and gigging

    All tube

    Amazing tone

    Style I play: Rock and Blues

    I'm a big fan of Fender amps and know that a Blues JR or Pro Jr or used Hot Rod Deluxe would be suitable options, but I know there are probably some better options out there that I don't know about. And I'm looking for something that might give me a little bit of an edge over the cookie cut amps that everyone buys.

    What do you guys think would be the best option?


    JCA20 will fit this perfectly.

  9. The problem is it is a Bugera. Just take to a local tech and see if he can fix it for under $100. If he can't, just accept that you bought a disposable amp and move on.


    I doubt the problem is tube because the reverb is digital. I doubt the fact you didn't let the amp warm up has anything to do with this. These amps are decent sounding but very unreliable.


    Again, the problem is: it's a Bugera.

  10. I don't like any oils on my guitars. I usually clean them with a dry cloth. As long as you clean your guitar regularly, it should be enough.


    My motto is: if you need anything other than a dry cloth to clean your guitar, you're not cleaning it as often as you should.


    Regular maintenance is the key.

  11. they're mediocre.. a slight step up from peavey and on par with marshall.

    I'd take an avatar contemporary 4X12 over any carvin 4X12. I can't give away my legacy 4X12.. :/


    wat? No, they're well made cabs.. not on par with top of the line cabs but far from mediocre


    I agree about Avatars though

  12. holy mother of FAIL I just re-read the OP..


    dude any number x0 = 0 That does NOT prove all numbers are equal. It does a hell of a job proving you've been hitting that pipe hard though.


    I really do hope you have artistic talents or a glowing personality because math is not for you.

  13. That was a good read.

    Weren't these silly equasions banded around by stoners in 1996? I seem to remember these stark relevations coming from similarly wide-eyed, open mouthed saucepan lids back in the day.


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