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Everything posted by Ultron

  1. Grendel Dead Room iso cab....perfect condition. black, casters. SIGNIFICANTLY reduces volume for recording. $200 (local pickup only...Chicago area), or with Eminence Delta 12a speaker $240 mic not included
  2. "tarnished reputation" = $1million, tops He got his balls busted by some fellow veterans and now is looking for some hush-money, which he'll get. How do you explain the extra $10 million for his wife? And asking for more than you knowingly deserve doesn't make things right, even if it's the norm. It still makes him look like a tool....
  3. Why should McDonalds pay fro her medical Bills? Who the hell needs a reminder that Hot Coffee will burn you?!?! talk about frivolous!!!! that old skank didnt deserve a dime, what she did deserve was a kick her in her fat ass for tieing up the Courts with a BS claim... Sorry Kage....your logic seems really twisted to me.....regardless of where you lie politically, defending this veteran trying to cash in on being bamboozled (to the tune of $85m) is ok cuz it's Michael Moore, and yet bashing an old lady for getting scalded by coffee that is served way too hot (hotter than current Starbucks) is bizarre. EDIT: I'm going to lunch...I hate getting tied up in these pointless threads....I think most of us agree the courts are full of dumb cases with people trying to win "the lottery" cuz they got their feelings hurt. boohoo!
  4. didn't degrading comments about one's mother stop being cool circa 1988? give or take a year of course =) I believe you're right....but I'm oldskool like dat.
  5. my reputation is worth $70.5 million actually...I had it appraised recently Your mommy doesn't count as an appraiser.
  6. Interesting fact....the old lady that had the 180 degree coffee spilled on her lap simply wanted McDonalds to pay the medical bills, which they outright refused, only then she contacted the attorney, who saw that as an opportunity to cash in and make them pay. Secondly, NO ONE'S reputation is worth $75million....$75 million? Come on man. EDIT: Even the veterans wife is trying to cash in...$10 million for "distress". What a twat...
  7. Ha! don't forget that nasally cunt Sean Hannity.....what a kneepad-wearer he is.....
  8. that's insane....no amount of "reputation" or "emotional distress" is worth $75 million (the other $10 million is for his wife). Say what you will about Michael Moore, but this lawsuit is a joke.
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