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Everything posted by BlueAsher

  1. So much misinformation about the Lace Dually pickups. Yes, they are humbucking, and one of the coils is reverse wound. At Fenders request, the Fender Lace Sensor Dually pickups used two coils wound the same direction (both north). However the Lace Sensor Duallys have always used a north wound and south wound coil. Though they still make single coil pickups for Fender (Fender Lace Sensors), Lace no longer makes the Dually pickups for them. The Dually pickups can be wired in three different ways. 1 .as standard humbucker pickup, 2. as a split-able humbucker pickup, and 3. Dually mode... north coil/south coil/both coils. Dually mode really kicks in when using different color pickups....Blue/Gold or the like, verses a Red/Red. Essentially it is three pickups in one. Why does Lace use a north wound coil and south wound coil in the Dually pickups? Aside from the fact the pickups sound great when combined, there is the simple fact that a humbucking ultra quiet pickup is going to have even less noise than a single coil ultra quiet pickup. Also, the fact that the north magnetic field is next to a south magnetic field, they both create a pickup with higher output than a north/north setup. The matched Dually pickups (Gold/Gold, Red/Red...) have as close to zero noise than you can get. The poly-tonal Dually pickups (Gold/Blue, Red/Silver....) have a higher noise threshold, however the noise is in a frequency range higher than what a guitar amp can reproduce. Think of the Dually pickups as a Strat with a RWRP middle pickup. When in position 2 and 4, the pickups are humbucking. In a Dually, it is the same principle, but the difference is, it utilizes two true single coil pickups, that just happen to be way more quiet than ordinary
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