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Posts posted by nwright

  1. I know I'm being a snob here, but I think I want a real Fender. Don't you think a MIM Tele for $499 would be better than a Squier anyways?


    Depends on the squier. IMO some of the Classic Vibe and Vintage moddeds have a more "tele" twang than the MIM's, which have a bit darker pickups, IMO.


    That said, I really, really dig the janglies through my 6505+. Bridge single coils on Teles and Strats sound killer through a medium driven crunch channel. Roll back the volume and get enough chime and clang with the dirt, and I don't know who would choose a "clean" clean over that. Soooo nice.

  2. I haven't read this whole thread, so someone else may have said it...But, the scene used with the soldier was taken from an interview that appeared on a news show...Which would make it the property of said news show, correct? If so, if Moore bought the rights to air that scene from the news show, I don't see how this lawsuit has any ground. the soldier would have had to OK or sign agreements to air his interview with the news, thus it becomes their entity legally, I believe (copyrights and all that)...So, if Moore gets it from them, he's in the clear IMO.

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