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Posts posted by Mac_C

  1. I imagine if you'd been thrown out of a band that then went on to be one of the most sucessful bands in history, you might have some issues:cop:

    This is probably not helped by the fact your replacement isn't as good, and, despite forming a really sucessful new band, every time you step up a gear your former band does so too, but in a way that completely eclipses your acheivments:idea:

    And they used some of your songs without your consent.

  2. All this talk makes me want to do a good inventory of my stuff and lock the list up someplace.

    However, if someone breaks into my house, he'll have to deal with the 85-pound Otis:


    Yeah, and if Otis is anything like a typical Boxer all a thief will have to do it pet him and play with him and he will become the thief's best friend in a matter of seconds. At least that's all someone would have to do with my Boxer, Clyde.

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